Generalized extreme value regression for binary response data: An application to B2B electronic payments system adoption
Generalized extreme value regression for binary response data: An application to B2B electronic
payments system adoption Page 1 The Annals of Applied Statistics 2010, Vol. 4, No. 4 …
payments system adoption Page 1 The Annals of Applied Statistics 2010, Vol. 4, No. 4 …
Mitigating the impact of outliers in traffic crash analysis: A robust Bayesian regression approach with application to tunnel crash data
Traffic crash datasets are often marred by the presence of anomalous data points, commonly
referred to as outliers. These outliers can have a profound impact on the results obtained …
referred to as outliers. These outliers can have a profound impact on the results obtained …
Asymmetric, closed-form, finite-parameter models of multinomial choice
Class imbalance, where there are great differences between the number of observations
associated with particular discrete outcomes, is common within transportation and other …
associated with particular discrete outcomes, is common within transportation and other …
Spatial-temporal generalized additive model for modeling COVID-19 mortality risk in Toronto, Canada
This article presents a spatial–temporal generalized additive model for modeling geo-
referenced COVID-19 mortality data in Toronto, Canada. A range of factors and spatial …
referenced COVID-19 mortality data in Toronto, Canada. A range of factors and spatial …
Bayesian inference in nonlinear mixed-effects models using normal independent distributions
Nonlinear mixed-effects (NLME) models are popular in many longitudinal studies, including
those on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) viral dynamics, pharmacokinetic analysis …
those on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) viral dynamics, pharmacokinetic analysis …
A new class of flexible link functions with application to species co-occurrence in cape floristic region
Understanding the mechanisms that allow biological species to co-occur is of great interest
to ecologists. Here we investigate the factors that influence co-occurrence of members of the …
to ecologists. Here we investigate the factors that influence co-occurrence of members of the …
Spatial contagion in mortgage defaults: A spatial dynamic survival model with time and space varying coefficients
This paper proposes a spatial discrete survival model to estimate the time to default for UK
mortgages. The model includes a flexible parametric link function given by the Generalised …
mortgages. The model includes a flexible parametric link function given by the Generalised …
New links for binary regression: an application to coca cultivation in Peru
Binary response data arise naturally in applications. In general, the well-known logistic and
probit regression models form the basis for analyzing binary data in practice. These …
probit regression models form the basis for analyzing binary data in practice. These …
A robust pairwise likelihood method for incomplete longitudinal binary data arising in clusters
Clustered longitudinal data feature cross‐sectional associations within clusters, serial
dependence within subjects, and associations between responses at different time points …
dependence within subjects, and associations between responses at different time points …
Robust link functions
In binary and ordinal response models outlying covariates as well as incoherent responses
may affect the reliability of the maximum likelihood estimators and that of the derived …
may affect the reliability of the maximum likelihood estimators and that of the derived …