Cooperative localization in transportation 5.0
In the era of future mobility within Transportation 5.0, autonomy and cooperation across all
road users and smart infrastructure stand as the key features to enhance transportation …
road users and smart infrastructure stand as the key features to enhance transportation …
Intelligent Transportation System with 5G Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X): Architectures, Vehicular Use Cases, Emergency Vehicles, Current Challenges and Future …
In recent years, connected vehicle technologies emerged to provide a safer and more
connected environment for transportation systems, which has further evolved into cellular …
connected environment for transportation systems, which has further evolved into cellular …
Multi-sensor fusion for vehicle-to-vehicle cooperative localization with object detection and point cloud matching
Accurate vehicle pose is fundamental information required by automated driving systems.
However, complicated driving enironments and sensor failures have constrained onboard …
However, complicated driving enironments and sensor failures have constrained onboard …
Platoonsafe: An integrated simulation tool for evaluating platoon safety
Platooning is highly tractable for enabling fuel savings for autonomous and semi-
autonomous cars and trucks. Safety concerns are one of the main impediments that need to …
autonomous cars and trucks. Safety concerns are one of the main impediments that need to …
Operational safety hazard identification methodology for automated driving systems fleets
C Correa-Jullian, M Ramos… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
The safety of Automated Driving Systems (ADS) operating as Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
depends on multiple factors in addition to the vehicle's functionality, reliability, and …
depends on multiple factors in addition to the vehicle's functionality, reliability, and …
Dynamics modeling for modular distributed-drive vehicles with unknown parameters
Modular distributed-drive (MDD) vehicles are an optimal solution for transporting oversized
and overweight cargo. This study develops an extensible three-degree-of-freedom dynamics …
and overweight cargo. This study develops an extensible three-degree-of-freedom dynamics …
End-to-end Cooperative Localization via Neural Feature Sharing
Cooperative driving automation attracts great attention for its potential to improve traffic
safety. Knowing each vehicle's accurate position serves as the cornerstone for the …
safety. Knowing each vehicle's accurate position serves as the cornerstone for the …
Mass Platooning: Information Networking Structures for Long Platoons of Connected Vehicles
M Razzaghpour, BE Soorchaei… - IEEE Open Journal …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Investigating Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, we dive into the concept of vehicle
platoons, a key innovation in transport systems, introducing a new era of cooperative driving …
platoons, a key innovation in transport systems, introducing a new era of cooperative driving …
Towards Resilient CACC Systems for Automated Vehicles
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) utilizes Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V)
communications and onboard sensors to facilitate cooperative maneuvering among a group …
communications and onboard sensors to facilitate cooperative maneuvering among a group …
Cooperative automated emergency braking for cavs under time-varying communication delays
Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) have the potential to significantly improve road
safety, fuel efficiency, and traffic flow by forming platoons with short inter-vehicle gaps …
safety, fuel efficiency, and traffic flow by forming platoons with short inter-vehicle gaps …