Questions and controversies in the study of time-varying functional connectivity in resting fMRI
The brain is a complex, multiscale dynamical system composed of many interacting regions.
Knowledge of the spatiotemporal organization of these interactions is critical for establishing …
Knowledge of the spatiotemporal organization of these interactions is critical for establishing …
Colloquium: Criticality and dynamical scaling in living systems
MA Munoz - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2018 - APS
A celebrated and controversial hypothesis suggests that some biological systems—parts,
aspects, or groups of them—may extract important functional benefits from operating at the …
aspects, or groups of them—may extract important functional benefits from operating at the …
Human consciousness is supported by dynamic complex patterns of brain signal coordination
Adopting the framework of brain dynamics as a cornerstone of human consciousness, we
determined whether dynamic signal coordination provides specific and generalizable …
determined whether dynamic signal coordination provides specific and generalizable …
Cellular mechanisms of conscious processing
Recent breakthroughs in neurobiology indicate that the time is ripe to understand how
cellular-level mechanisms are related to conscious experience. Here, we highlight the …
cellular-level mechanisms are related to conscious experience. Here, we highlight the …
Hierarchical dynamics as a macroscopic organizing principle of the human brain
Multimodal evidence suggests that brain regions accumulate information over timescales
that vary according to anatomical hierarchy. Thus, these experimentally defined “temporal …
that vary according to anatomical hierarchy. Thus, these experimentally defined “temporal …
Sources and implications of whole-brain fMRI signals in humans
Whole-brain fMRI signals are a subject of intense interest: variance in the global fMRI signal
(the spatial mean of all signals in the brain) indexes subject arousal, and psychiatric …
(the spatial mean of all signals in the brain) indexes subject arousal, and psychiatric …
The chronnectome: time-varying connectivity networks as the next frontier in fMRI data discovery
Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth of interest in moving functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) beyond simple scan-length averages and into approaches that …
resonance imaging (fMRI) beyond simple scan-length averages and into approaches that …
On the stability of BOLD fMRI correlations
Measurement of correlations between brain regions (functional connectivity) using blood
oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI has proven to be a powerful tool for studying the …
oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI has proven to be a powerful tool for studying the …
[HTML][HTML] The spectral exponent of the resting EEG indexes the presence of consciousness during unresponsiveness induced by propofol, xenon, and ketamine
Despite the absence of responsiveness during anesthesia, conscious experience may
persist. However, reliable, easily acquirable and interpretable neurophysiological markers of …
persist. However, reliable, easily acquirable and interpretable neurophysiological markers of …
Neural signs and mechanisms of consciousness: Is there a potential convergence of theories of consciousness in sight?
G Northoff, V Lamme - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2020 - Elsevier
Various theories for the neural basis of consciousness have been proposed, suggesting a
diversity of neural signs and mechanisms. We ask to what extent this diversity is real, or …
diversity of neural signs and mechanisms. We ask to what extent this diversity is real, or …