A critical review of CO2 mineral trap** in sedimentary reservoirs–from theory to application: Pertinent parameters, acceleration methods and evaluation workflow
Prolonged increase in atmospheric concentration of CO 2 has led to global warming. One
promising way to alleviate this problem is geological CO 2 storage (GCS) in sedimentary …
promising way to alleviate this problem is geological CO 2 storage (GCS) in sedimentary …
Multiphase multicomponent reactive transport and flow modeling
Upon injection into a reservoir, CO2 migrates and interacts with the host rock and pore water
(Benson et al. 2005, 2012). Supercritical or gaseous CO2 dissolves in the pore aqueous …
(Benson et al. 2005, 2012). Supercritical or gaseous CO2 dissolves in the pore aqueous …
High-pressure fluid-phase equilibria: Experimental methods, developments and systems investigated (2013–2016)
With this article we extend our review series on high-pressure (above 1 MPa) phase
equilibrium data to articles published between 2013 and 2016, including a compilation of …
equilibrium data to articles published between 2013 and 2016, including a compilation of …
Subsurface geochemical fate and effects of impurities contained in a CO2 stream injected into a deep saline aquifer: What is known
S Talman - International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2015 - Elsevier
Geological storage of anthropogenic CO 2 captured from large emitters has been identified
and demonstrated on a pilot and commercial scale as a viable means for reducing …
and demonstrated on a pilot and commercial scale as a viable means for reducing …
E-PPR78: A proper cubic EoS for modelling fluids involved in the design and operation of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) processes
Considering the broad range of operating conditions that typically characterize carbon
dioxide capture and storage (CCS) processes, on the one side, and the high number of …
dioxide capture and storage (CCS) processes, on the one side, and the high number of …
Phase equilibrium of CCS mixtures: Equation of state modeling and Monte Carlo simulation
To understand the role played by the impurities (such as N 2, Ar, H 2, CO, SO 2, O 2 and NO)
during the processes of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS), it is essential to know …
during the processes of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS), it is essential to know …
Solubility study of binary systems containing sulfur dioxide and water: a combination of Raman spectroscopy and Monte Carlo molecular simulation
Abstract Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) is one of the mitigation
approaches that can be used to control CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere and to limit …
approaches that can be used to control CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere and to limit …
Benefits and restrictions of 2D reactive transport simulations of CO2 and SO2 co-injection into a saline aquifer using TOUGHREACT V3. 0-OMP
JL Wolf, A Niemi, J Bensabat, D Rebscher - International Journal of …, 2016 - Elsevier
Many simulation studies on CO 2 storage in deep saline aquifers focus on flow transport
modelling and pressure development. Studies including geochemical aspects mostly …
modelling and pressure development. Studies including geochemical aspects mostly …
Geochemical and geomechanical effects of scCO2 and associated impurities on physical and petrophysical properties of Permotriassic Sandstones (Germany): an …
KP Erickson, C Lempp, H Pöllmann - Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015 - Springer
Abstract Effects of impurities (SO x, NO x and O 2) from the extraction processes of the power
plants in the scCO 2 fluids are studied with an experimental approach combining …
plants in the scCO 2 fluids are studied with an experimental approach combining …
Addition of the Sulfur Dioxide Group (SO2), the Oxygen Group (O2), and the Nitric Oxide Group (NO) to the E-PPR78 Model
The E-PPR78 model is a predictive version of the widely used Peng–Robinson equation of
state in which the binary interaction parameters are estimated by a group-contribution …
state in which the binary interaction parameters are estimated by a group-contribution …