Carbon tax incidence on household demand: effects on welfare, income inequality and poverty incidence in Thailand
S Saelim - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 - Elsevier
Studying the impact of a carbon tax on household demand can be relevant in terms of
securing public acceptance of a carbon tax and clarifying the implications for policy design …
securing public acceptance of a carbon tax and clarifying the implications for policy design …
Modeling construction and demolition waste recycling program in Bangkok: Benefit and cost analysis
In Bangkok, many infrastructures have been built to satisfy the needs of the rapidly
develo** economy, leading to much higher construction and demolition (C&D) waste than …
develo** economy, leading to much higher construction and demolition (C&D) waste than …
Carbon tax incidence on household consumption: Heterogeneity across socio-economic factors in Thailand
S Saelim - Economic Analysis and Policy, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper examines the short-run welfare effects of a hypothetical carbon tax on
households in Thailand. In particular, it sheds light on the association between welfare …
households in Thailand. In particular, it sheds light on the association between welfare …
Fossil fuel carbon taxation policy effect on thai household expenditure using input–output price structural path model
H Phungrassami… - Environmental Progress & …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Taxation levying promotes and enhances the management of greenhouse gas emissions;
however, its effect on product price increases for households requires clarification. The …
however, its effect on product price increases for households requires clarification. The …
[PDF][PDF] 전력계통 모의를 통한 에너지세제 개편의 전력가격 및 조세수입에 대한 영향 연구
김윤경, 박광수, 조성진 - 자원・ 환경경제연구, 2015 - scholar.archive.org
본 논문은 2014 년 7 월과 2015 년 7 월부터 시행된 발전용 유연탄 과세와 LNG 세율
변경을중심으로 세제 개편의 시나리오들을 설정하여 2029 년까지의 SMP, 정산단가 …
변경을중심으로 세제 개편의 시나리오들을 설정하여 2029 년까지의 SMP, 정산단가 …
[CITATION][C] Reverse logistics implementation in the construction industry: Paper waste focus.
N Rinsatitnon, W Dijaroen, T Limpiwun, G Suktavee… - Songklanakarin Journal of …, 2018
Impacts of Energy Tax Reform on Electricity Prices and Tax Revenues by Power System Simulation
YK Kim, KS Park, S Cho - Environmental and Resource Economics …, 2015 - koreascience.kr
This study proposed scenarios of tax reform regarding taxation on bituminous coal for power
generation since July 2015 and July 2014, estimated its impact on SMP, settlement price, tax …
generation since July 2015 and July 2014, estimated its impact on SMP, settlement price, tax …
[PDF][PDF] A Multi-Objective Unit Commitment Model for Setting Carbon Tax to Reduce CO2 Emission: Thailand's Electricity Generation Case.
Carbon tax policy is a cost-effective instrument for emission reduction. However, setting the
carbon tax is one of the challenging task for policy makers as it will lead to higher price of …
carbon tax is one of the challenging task for policy makers as it will lead to higher price of …
TW Wassie - 2018 - air.unimi.it
Abstract Economic and Environmental Effects of INDC Policies for Ethiopia (A Recursive
Dynamic CGE Analysis) Mitigation of climate change has become unavoidable discussion …
Dynamic CGE Analysis) Mitigation of climate change has become unavoidable discussion …
[PDF][PDF] Feasibility study of construction and demolition waste recycling program using system dynamics modelling approach
I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my advisor, Asst. Prof. Thanwadee Chinda,
for all of her support that made my research an achieved success. Her intellectual …
for all of her support that made my research an achieved success. Her intellectual …