Solving ill-conditioned and singular linear systems: A tutorial on regularization

A Neumaier - SIAM review, 1998 - SIAM
It is shown that the basic regularization procedures for finding meaningful approximate
solutions of ill-conditioned or singular linear systems can be phrased and analyzed in terms …

Quantile smoothing splines

R Koenker, P Ng, S Portnoy - Biometrika, 1994 -
Although nonparametric regression has traditionally focused on the estimation of conditional
mean functions, nonparametric estimation of conditional quantile functions is often of …

Quantile regression for analyzing heterogeneity in ultra-high dimension

L Wang, Y Wu, R Li - Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Ultra-high dimensional data often display heterogeneity due to either heteroscedastic
variance or other forms of non-location-scale covariate effects. To accommodate …

Smoothed quantile regression with large-scale inference

X He, X Pan, KM Tan, WX Zhou - Journal of Econometrics, 2023 - Elsevier
Quantile regression is a powerful tool for learning the relationship between a response
variable and a multivariate predictor while exploring heterogeneous effects. This paper …

High-dimensional quantile regression: Convolution smoothing and concave regularization

KM Tan, L Wang, WX Zhou - Journal of the Royal Statistical …, 2022 -
Abstract ℓ 1-penalized quantile regression (QR) is widely used for analysing high-
dimensional data with heterogeneity. It is now recognized that the ℓ 1-penalty introduces …

On parameters of increasing dimensions

X He, QM Shao - Journal of multivariate analysis, 2000 - Elsevier
In statistical analyses the complexity of a chosen model is often related to the size of
available data. One important question is whether the asymptotic distribution of the …

A general Bahadur representation of M-estimators and its application to linear regression with nonstochastic designs

X He, QM Shao - The Annals of Statistics, 1996 -
We obtain strong Bahadur representations for a general class of M-estimators that satisfies
$\Sigma_i\psi (x_i,\theta)= o (\delta_n) $, where the $ x_i $'s are independent but not …

Endogeneity in quantile regression models: A control function approach

S Lee - Journal of Econometrics, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper considers a linear triangular simultaneous equations model with conditional
quantile restrictions. The paper adjusts for endogeneity by adopting a control function …

ADMM for high-dimensional sparse penalized quantile regression

Y Gu, J Fan, L Kong, S Ma, H Zou - Technometrics, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Sparse penalized quantile regression is a useful tool for variable selection, robust
estimation, and heteroscedasticity detection in high-dimensional data analysis. The …

[KNIHA][B] Robust statistical procedures: asymptotics and interrelations

J Jurecková, PK Sen - 1996 -
A broad and unified methodology for robust statistics—with exciting new applications Robust
statistics is one of the fastest growing fields in contemporary statistics. It is also one of the …