Slip partitioning and crustal deformation patterns in the Tianshan orogenic belt derived from GPS measurements and their tectonic implications
C Wu, P Zhang, Z Zhang, W Zheng, B Xu, W Wang… - Earth-Science …, 2023 - Elsevier
The conventional view of crustal deformation in the reactivated Tianshan orogenic belt is
strong north–south (NS) compression accommodated by a series of east–west (E–W) …
strong north–south (NS) compression accommodated by a series of east–west (E–W) …
What controlled Mid–Late Miocene long-term aridification in Central Asia?—Global cooling or Tibetan Plateau uplift: A review
Y Miao, M Herrmann, F Wu, X Yan, S Yang - Earth-Science Reviews, 2012 - Elsevier
Debate continues over whether global cooling or uplift of the Tibetan Plateau provided the
first-order driver for the aridification (moisture levels) of Central Asia throughout the Mid …
first-order driver for the aridification (moisture levels) of Central Asia throughout the Mid …
Greater India Basin hypothesis and a two-stage Cenozoic collision between India and Asia
Cenozoic convergence between the Indian and Asian plates produced the archetypical
continental collision zone comprising the Himalaya mountain belt and the Tibetan Plateau …
continental collision zone comprising the Himalaya mountain belt and the Tibetan Plateau …
GPS velocity field for the Tien Shan and surrounding regions
AV Zubovich, X Wang, YG Scherba… - …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Measurements at∼ 400 campaign‐style GPS points and another 14 continuously recording
stations in central Asia define variations in their velocities both along and across the Kyrgyz …
stations in central Asia define variations in their velocities both along and across the Kyrgyz …
Active structures of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen and their relationships to earthquake distribution, contemporary strain field, and Cenozoic volcanism
We have compiled the distribution of active faults and folds in the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen
and its immediate surrounding regions into a web-based digital map. The main product of …
and its immediate surrounding regions into a web-based digital map. The main product of …
A Cenozoic record of deep oceanic Zn isotopic composition in ferromanganese crusts
Water plays a critical role in erosion and sediment transport and this relationship is most
evident in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile, a region characterized by …
evident in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile, a region characterized by …
Arabia-Eurasia continental collision: Insights from late Tertiary foreland-basin evolution in the Alborz Mountains, northern Iran
A poorly understood lag time of 15–20 my exists between the initial Arabia-Eurasia
continental collision in late Eocene to early Oligocene time and the acceleration of tectonic …
continental collision in late Eocene to early Oligocene time and the acceleration of tectonic …
Restoration of Cenozoic deformation in Asia and the size of Greater India
A long‐standing problem in the geological evolution of the India‐Asia collision zone is how
and where convergence between India and Asia was accommodated since collision …
and where convergence between India and Asia was accommodated since collision …
Late Eocene sea retreat from the Tarim Basin (west China) and concomitant Asian paleoenvironmental change
The Paleogene sediments of the southwest Tarim Basin along the West Kunlun Shan in
western China include the remnants of the easternmost extent of a large epicontinental sea …
western China include the remnants of the easternmost extent of a large epicontinental sea …
Cenozoic exhumation of the Tianshan as constrained by regional low-temperature thermochronology
Y Wang, J Zhang, X Huang, Z Wang - Earth-Science Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
The Tianshan range, located in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB),
represents an excellent natural laboratory for investigating intracontinental deformation. The …
represents an excellent natural laboratory for investigating intracontinental deformation. The …