Geochemistry of boron and its implications for crustal and mantle processes
Following the pioneering work of Goldschmidt and Peters (1932a, b), the geochemistry of
boron has been explored in intermittent bursts of activity, usually associated with …
boron has been explored in intermittent bursts of activity, usually associated with …
Melt inclusions in basaltic and related volcanic rocks
AJR Kent - Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry, 2008 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Melt inclusions are small parcels of melt trapped in crystals within magmatic systems, and
are analogous to fluid inclusions formed by trap** of hydrothermal and other fluids during …
are analogous to fluid inclusions formed by trap** of hydrothermal and other fluids during …
[PDF][PDF] Tracers of the slab
T Elliott, J Eiler - Geophysical Monograph-American Geophysical …, 2003 - researchgate.net
In its simplest interpretation, this observation implies only a few thousand years elapse
between'fluid'release from the slab, and eruption of this component in arc lavas. In most …
between'fluid'release from the slab, and eruption of this component in arc lavas. In most …
Modeling open system metamorphic decarbonation of subducting slabs
PJ Gorman, DM Kerrick… - Geochemistry …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Fluids derived from the devolatilization of subducting slabs play a critical role in the melting
of the mantle wedge and global geochemical cycles. However, in spite of evidence for the …
of the mantle wedge and global geochemical cycles. However, in spite of evidence for the …
Boron isotopes as a tracer of subduction zone processes
This chapter reviews recycling of boron (B) and its isotopes in subduction zones. It discusses
the profound changes in B concentrations and B isotope ratios of various materials involved …
the profound changes in B concentrations and B isotope ratios of various materials involved …
Mafic slab melt contributions to Proterozoic massif-type anorthosites
Massif-type anorthosites, enormous and enigmatic plagioclase-rich cumulate intrusions
emplaced into Earth's crust, formed in large numbers only between 1 and 2 billion years …
emplaced into Earth's crust, formed in large numbers only between 1 and 2 billion years …
Silicate melt inclusions in the new millennium: A review of recommended practices for preparation, analysis, and data presentation
Mineral-hosted melt inclusions have become an important source of information on
magmatic processes. As the number of melt inclusion studies increases, so does the need to …
magmatic processes. As the number of melt inclusion studies increases, so does the need to …
Isotopic and elemental partitioning of boron between hydrous fluid and silicate melt
The fractionation of B and its isotopes between aqueous fluid and silicate melt has been
studied from 550 to 1100° C and 100–500 MPa. Fluid-melt partition coefficients are< 1 for …
studied from 550 to 1100° C and 100–500 MPa. Fluid-melt partition coefficients are< 1 for …
Boron and lithium isotopic variations in a hot subduction zone—the southern Washington Cascades
WP Leeman, S Tonarini, LH Chan, LE Borg - Chemical Geology, 2004 - Elsevier
New B and Li isotopic data are presented for well-characterized basalts from a transect
across the Cascades volcanic arc, S. Washington, for a sediment core on the incoming Juan …
across the Cascades volcanic arc, S. Washington, for a sediment core on the incoming Juan …
Adakitic rocks at convergent plate boundaries: Compositions and petrogenesis
Q Wang, L Hao, X Zhang, J Zhou, J Wang, Q Li… - Science China Earth …, 2020 - Springer
Adakitic rocks are intermediate-acid magmatic rocks characterized by enrichment in light
rare-earth elements, depletion in heavy rare-earth elements, positive to negligible Eu and Sr …
rare-earth elements, depletion in heavy rare-earth elements, positive to negligible Eu and Sr …