Hyporheic flow and transport processes: Mechanisms, models, and biogeochemical implications
Fifty years of hyporheic zone research have shown the important role played by the
hyporheic zone as an interface between groundwater and surface waters. However, it is only …
hyporheic zone as an interface between groundwater and surface waters. However, it is only …
River corridor science: Hydrologic exchange and ecological consequences from bedforms to basins
Previously regarded as the passive drains of watersheds, over the past 50 years, rivers have
progressively been recognized as being actively connected with off‐channel environments …
progressively been recognized as being actively connected with off‐channel environments …
Continental-scale effects of nutrient pollution on stream ecosystem functioning
Excessive nutrient loading is a major threat to aquatic ecosystems worldwide that leads to
profound changes in aquatic biodiversity and biogeochemical processes. Systematic …
profound changes in aquatic biodiversity and biogeochemical processes. Systematic …
Denitrification in the Mississippi River network controlled by flow through river bedforms
Increasing nitrogen concentrations in the world's major rivers have led to over-fertilization of
sensitive downstream waters,,,. Flow through channel bed and bank sediments acts to …
sensitive downstream waters,,,. Flow through channel bed and bank sediments acts to …
Forgotten legacies: Understanding and mitigating historical human alterations of river corridors
Legacies are persistent changes in natural systems resulting from human activities.
Legacies that affect river ecosystems can result from human alterations outside of the river …
Legacies that affect river ecosystems can result from human alterations outside of the river …
Monitoring the riverine pulse: Applying high‐frequency nitrate data to advance integrative understanding of biogeochemical and hydrological processes
Widespread deployment of sensors that measure river nitrate (NO3−) concentrations has led
to many recent publications in water resources journals including review papers focused on …
to many recent publications in water resources journals including review papers focused on …
Organizational principles of hyporheic exchange flow and biogeochemical cycling in river networks across scales
In this chapter, the authors provide a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of the
interactions between important drivers and controls of hyporheic exchange and …
interactions between important drivers and controls of hyporheic exchange and …
River network saturation concept: factors influencing the balance of biogeochemical supply and demand of river networks
River networks modify material transfer from land to ocean. Understanding the factors
regulating this function for different gaseous, dissolved, and particulate constituents is critical …
regulating this function for different gaseous, dissolved, and particulate constituents is critical …
A hydrogeomorphic river network model predicts where and why hyporheic exchange is important in large basins
Hyporheic exchange has been hypothesized to have basin‐scale consequences; however,
predictions throughout river networks are limited by available geomorphic and …
predictions throughout river networks are limited by available geomorphic and …
Understanding controls on flow permanence in intermittent rivers to aid ecological research: Integrating meteorology, geology and land cover
Intermittent rivers, those channels that periodically cease to flow, constitute over half of the
total discharge of the global river network and will likely increase in their extent owing to …
total discharge of the global river network and will likely increase in their extent owing to …