Progress and recent trends in homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines
M Yao, Z Zheng, H Liu - Progress in energy and combustion science, 2009 - Elsevier
HCCI combustion has been drawing the considerable attention due to high efficiency and
lower nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions. However, there are still …
lower nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions. However, there are still …
Fuel design and management for the control of advanced compression-ignition combustion modes
Due to concerns regarding the greenhouse effect and limitations on carbon dioxide
emissions, the possibility of a next-generation combustion mode for internal combustion …
emissions, the possibility of a next-generation combustion mode for internal combustion …
A fully coupled computational fluid dynamics and multi-zone model with detailed chemical kinetics for the simulation of premixed charge compression ignition engines
Modelling the premixed charge compression ignition (PCCI) engine requires a balanced
approach that captures both fluid motion as well as low-and high-temperature fuel oxidation …
approach that captures both fluid motion as well as low-and high-temperature fuel oxidation …
Auto-ignition quality of practical fuels and implications for fuel requirements of future SI and HCCI engines
GT Kalghatgi - 2005 - sae.org
The auto-ignition or anti-knock quality of a practical fuel is defined by the Octane Index,
OI=(1-K) RON+ KMON where RON and MON are the Research and Motor Octane numbers …
OI=(1-K) RON+ KMON where RON and MON are the Research and Motor Octane numbers …
An experimental and modeling study of iso-octane ignition delay times under homogeneous charge compression ignition conditions
Autoignition of iso-octane was examined using a rapid compression facility (RCF) with iso-
octane, oxygen, nitrogen, and argon mixtures. The effects of typical homogeneous charge …
octane, oxygen, nitrogen, and argon mixtures. The effects of typical homogeneous charge …
A parametric study of HCCI combustion—the sources of emissions at low loads and the effects of GDI fuel injection
JE Dec, M Sjöberg - SAE transactions, 2003 - JSTOR
A combined experimental and modeling study has been conducted to investigate the
sources of CO and HC emissions (and the associated combustion inefficiencies) at low …
sources of CO and HC emissions (and the associated combustion inefficiencies) at low …
An investigation of thermal stratification in HCCI engines using chemiluminescence imaging
JE Dec, W Hwang, M Sjöberg - SAE Transactions, 2006 - JSTOR
Chemiluminescence imaging has been applied to investigate the naturally occurring charge
stratification in an HCCI engine. This stratification slows the pressure-rise rate (PRR) during …
stratification in an HCCI engine. This stratification slows the pressure-rise rate (PRR) during …
Syngas combustion kinetics and applications
Strong interest in the use of coal-derived syngas in gas turbines has led to recent
experimental studies that highlight the important features of H2/CO combustion at high …
experimental studies that highlight the important features of H2/CO combustion at high …
An experimental investigation of iso-octane ignition phenomena
High-speed digital imaging has been used in rapid compression facility (RCF) studies to
investigate ignition phenomena of iso-octane/air mixtures. Sequential images were captured …
investigate ignition phenomena of iso-octane/air mixtures. Sequential images were captured …
Characterizing the development of thermal stratification in an HCCI engine using planar-imaging thermometry
JE Dec, W Hwang - SAE International Journal of Engines, 2009 - JSTOR
ABSTRACT A planar temperature imaging diagnostic has been developed and applied to
an investigation of naturally occurring thermal stratification in an HCCI engine. Natural …
an investigation of naturally occurring thermal stratification in an HCCI engine. Natural …