Selection of descriptors for particle shape characterization
Conventional shape descriptors, formed from a ratio of two particle size measurements, are
among the simplest of the many methods used for quantitative particle shape …
among the simplest of the many methods used for quantitative particle shape …
Powder flowability characterisation methodology for powder-bed-based metal additive manufacturing
AB Spierings, M Voegtlin, TU Bauer… - Progress in Additive …, 2016 - Springer
Key in powder-bed-based additive manufacturing is the use of appropriate powder materials
that fit to the process conditions. There are many parameters affecting the build process and …
that fit to the process conditions. There are many parameters affecting the build process and …
Advances in SLS powder characterization
A Amado, M Schmid, G Levy, K Wegener - 2011 - repositories.lib.utexas.edu
This paper introduces a new Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) powder characterization
methodology. A better understanding regarding powder flow processing range is targeted …
methodology. A better understanding regarding powder flow processing range is targeted …
[HTML][HTML] Fractal Modelling of Heterogeneous Catalytic Materials and Processes
This review considers the use of fractal concepts to improve the development, fabrication,
and characterisation of catalytic materials and supports. First, the theory of fractals is …
and characterisation of catalytic materials and supports. First, the theory of fractals is …
Flame front surface characteristics in turbulent premixed propane/air combustion
The characteristics of the flame front surfaces in turbulent premixed propane/air flames were
investigated. Flame front images were obtained using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) of …
investigated. Flame front images were obtained using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) of …
Oxidation, ignition and combustion behaviors of differently prepared boron-magnesium composites
Abstract Effect of magnesium on ignition and combustion characteristics of boron was
explored for three materials containing ca. 23 wt% of magnesium. Boron was sintered with …
explored for three materials containing ca. 23 wt% of magnesium. Boron was sintered with …
The extreme mobility of debris avalanches: A new model of transport mechanism
Large rockslide‐debris avalanches, resulting from flank collapses that shape volcanoes and
mountains on Earth and other object of the solar system, are rapid and dangerous gravity …
mountains on Earth and other object of the solar system, are rapid and dangerous gravity …
Approaches to scaling of geo-spatial data
This chapter focuses on the fractal approach to the scaling phenomena of spatial data. It
introduces some of the most basic concepts of fractal geometry and describes some of the …
introduces some of the most basic concepts of fractal geometry and describes some of the …
Characterization and classification of wear particles and surfaces
GW Stachowiak, P Podsiadlo - Wear, 2001 - Elsevier
Wear particles and surfaces are three-dimensional (3-D) objects and their numerical
characterization and classification is still largely an unresolved problem. Usually a set of …
characterization and classification is still largely an unresolved problem. Usually a set of …
Characterization and prediction of SLS processability of polymer powders with respect to powder flow and part warpage
AF Amado Becker - 2016 - research-collection.ethz.ch
The present work was developed during my position as Research Assistant at Inspire AG
from 2009 to 2015, specifically at the facilities of the Innovation Center for Additive …
from 2009 to 2015, specifically at the facilities of the Innovation Center for Additive …