[HTML][HTML] Differentiability with respect to parameters of weak solutions of linear parabolic equations

JR Singler - Mathematical and computer modelling, 2008 - Elsevier
We consider the differentiability of weak solutions of linear parabolic equations with respect
to parameters and initial data. Under natural assumptions, it is shown that solutions possess …

Parameter identification for nonlinear abstract Cauchy problems using quasilinearization

TL Herdman, P Morin, RD Spies - Journal of Optimization Theory and …, 2002 - Springer
A quasilinearization approach to parameter identification in nonlinear abstract Cauchy
problems in which the parameter appears in the nonlinear term, is presented. This approach …

Fréchet differentiability of the solutions of a semilinear abstract Cauchy problem

T Herdman, R Spies - Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 2005 - Elsevier
Sufficient conditions are found under which the solutions z (t; q) of a semilinear abstract
Cauchy problem of the form ddtz (t)= A (q) z (t)+ F (q, t, z (t)) are Fréchet differentiable with …

A quasilinearization approach for parameter identification in a nonlinear model of shape memory alloys

P Morin, RD Spies - Inverse problems, 1998 - iopscience.iop.org
The nonlinear partial differential equations considered here arise from the conservation laws
of linear momentum and energy, and describe structural phase transitions (martensitic …

Regularidad con respecto a parámetros de las soluciones de problemas parabólicos abstractos semilineales

RD Spies - 2004 - notablesdelaciencia.conicet.gov.ar
Se determinan condiciones suficientes bajo las cuales la solucion z (t; q) de un problema
parabólico abstracto semilineal de la forma d/dt z (t)= A (q) z (t)+ F (q, t, z (t)) es derivable …


Finite dimensional unconstrained minimization problems are generally solved by iterative
methods like Newton, quasi-Newton, steepest descent, conjugate gradient methods and its …

Fréchet sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation in groundwater flow models

VML dos Santos Nunes - 2013 - search.proquest.com
In this work we develop and analyze algorithms motivated by the parameter estimation
problem corresponding to a multilayer aquifer/interbed groundwater ow model. The …

Fréchet Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Estimation in Groundwater Flow Models

VM Leite Dos Santos Nunes - 2013 - vtechworks.lib.vt.edu
In this work we develop and analyze algorithms motivated by the parameter estimation
problem corresponding to a multilayer aquifer/interbed groundwater flow model. The …

Differentiability of the Solutions of a Semilinear Abstract Cauchy Problems With Respect to Parameters

RD Spies - 2004 - notablesdelaciencia.conicet.gov.ar
The Frechet di® erentiability with respect to a parameter q of the solutions z (t; q) of Cauchy
problems of the form d/dt z (t)= A (q) z (t)+ F (q; t; z (t)) is analyzed. Su±cient conditions on …


F LEVSTEIN, D PENAZZI - Revista de la Unión …, 2003 - Unión Matemática Argentina