[HTML][HTML] Combining low-cost single board computers with open-source software to control noble gas extraction lines

G Twinn - MethodsX, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Specialised mass spectrometers such as those used in noble gas geochemistry are often
controlled by bespoke computer systems that get harder to maintain as, along with their …

Has the formation of a slab window below the Antarctic Peninsula controlled its topographic evolution?

GP Twinn - 2024‏ - eprints.bbk.ac.uk
This thesis presents apatite (U-Th)/He and apatite fission-track thermochronology data to
understand spatial and temporal changes in rock uplift and exhumation along and across …

Power Converter Dual Functions Using Full Bridge Converter Controlled by Microcontroller Arduino

MR Meptah, N Kahar - Progress in Engineering Application …, 2021‏ - publisher.uthm.edu.my
The power converter is one of the essential components in about every aspect of our
everyday lives. In order to solve this, power converter dual functions using full bridges …