[HTML][HTML] Friction behavior of rough surfaces on the basis of contact mechanics: A review and prospects
S Zhang, D Li, Y Liu - Micromachines, 2022 - mdpi.com
Contact and friction are closely related as friction cannot happen without contact. They are
widely used in mechanical engineering, traffic, and other fields. The real contact surface is …
widely used in mechanical engineering, traffic, and other fields. The real contact surface is …
Coupling effect of plastic deformation and surface roughness on friction behaviors of rough line contact for ground metal surfaces
S Zhang, B Zhao, Y Liu - Tribology International, 2024 - Elsevier
Grinding is a pervasive technique employed in manufacturing and machining fields. Metal
surfaces after grinding processing exhibit striated surface topography, which can be …
surfaces after grinding processing exhibit striated surface topography, which can be …
[HTML][HTML] A modified rough interface model considering shear and normal elastic deformation couplings
H Jamshidi, H Ahmadian - International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper presents an analytical description of frictional contact hysteresis behavior
between two flat rough surfaces in partial and gross slip. Couplings between shear and …
between two flat rough surfaces in partial and gross slip. Couplings between shear and …
The study of anisotropic rough surfaces contact considering lateral contact and interaction between asperities
Z Gao, W Fu, W Wang, W Kang, Y Liu - Tribology International, 2018 - Elsevier
Interfacial performances are dissimilar due to the different surface topographies and
materials. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of the surface topography on the contact …
materials. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of the surface topography on the contact …
Evaluating the contact model for anisotropic non-Gaussian roughness in mixed lubrication regime
Z Gao, Y Zhang, X Wei, L Peng, W Fu, W Wang… - Physics of …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
This research investigates the mixed lubrication of anisotropic non-Gaussian rough
surfaces. An adaptive fluid Reynolds equation is proposed, which takes into account …
surfaces. An adaptive fluid Reynolds equation is proposed, which takes into account …
Elastoplastic Normal Contact Model for Rock Joints Based on a New Size Distribution of Geometrically Overlap** Patches
G Gong, Z Tang - Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2025 - Springer
Accurate prediction of normal contact behavior for rock joints is essential for understanding
the interfacial physical properties and multi-physics coupling processes within jointed rock …
the interfacial physical properties and multi-physics coupling processes within jointed rock …
An analytical model to study the effect of asperity geometry on forces in ploughing by an elliptical asperity
An analytical ploughing model is used to compute the forces on a rigid, elliptical, ie ellipsoid
and elliptic-paraboloid shaped, asperity sliding through a rigid-plastic substrate as a function …
and elliptic-paraboloid shaped, asperity sliding through a rigid-plastic substrate as a function …
The contact properties of naturally occurring geologic materials: experimental observations
DM Cole, MA Hopkins - Granular Matter, 2016 - Springer
The discrete element method (DEM) is seeing widespread use in geotechnical applications
and it is generally acknowledged that the validity of DEM simulations involving this class of …
and it is generally acknowledged that the validity of DEM simulations involving this class of …
Choosing appropriate appraisal to describe peak-spatial features of rock-joint profiles
Understanding the contact behaviors of rock joint is of fundamental importance in many rock
engineering practices. Most of the available contact models rely on the spatial features of …
engineering practices. Most of the available contact models rely on the spatial features of …
Impact of nonlinearity of the contact layer between elements joined in a multi-bolted system on its preload
R Grzejda - 2017 - zbc.uz.zgora.pl
The paper deals with modelling and calculations of asymmetrical multi-bolted joints at the
assembly stage. The physical model of the joint is based on a system composed of four …
assembly stage. The physical model of the joint is based on a system composed of four …