Patient satisfaction with healthcare services and the techniques used for its assessment: a systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis
Patient satisfaction with healthcare provision services and the factors influencing it are be-
coming the main focus of many scientific studies. Assuring the quality of the provided …
coming the main focus of many scientific studies. Assuring the quality of the provided …
AI based decision making: combining strategies to improve operational performance
This study investigates the strategic alignment between marketing and information
technology (IT) strategies and provides production and operations decision makers a model …
technology (IT) strategies and provides production and operations decision makers a model …
Application of artificial intelligence for resilient and sustainable healthcare system: Systematic literature review and future research directions
Recent years have witnessed increased pressure across the global healthcare system
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic shattered existing healthcare …
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic shattered existing healthcare …
Exploring the relationship between hospital service quality, patient trust, and loyalty from a service encounter perspective in elderly with chronic diseases
Based on the service encounter perspective, this study combines theoretical foundations for
such factors as service quality and the characteristics of the hospital service industry to …
such factors as service quality and the characteristics of the hospital service industry to …
Impacts of service quality, brand image, and perceived value on outpatient's loyalty to China's private dental clinics with service satisfaction as a mediator
W Lin, W Yin - PloS one, 2022 - journals.plos.org
Background This study explores the effects and influence paths of service quality, brand
image, perceived value, and service satisfaction on outpatients' loyalty to China's private …
image, perceived value, and service satisfaction on outpatients' loyalty to China's private …
US hospital culture profiles for better performance in patient safety, patient satisfaction, Six Sigma, and lean implementation
This study identifies prevalent organizational culture profiles in US hospitals based on the
Competing Value Framework and examines the relationship between these cultures and …
Competing Value Framework and examines the relationship between these cultures and …
Social media marketing and consumer behaviour in the new normal: the relationship between content and interaction
This study examines whether brands' changing social media marketing activities (SMMA)
have an impact on consumer responses in the'new normal'period. A new interaction …
have an impact on consumer responses in the'new normal'period. A new interaction …
Understanding the relationship between patient satisfaction and loyalty through telemedicine platform quality: An empirical study
Empirical evidence regarding how telemedicine platform quality contributes to the
satisfaction and retention of loyal patients is lacking. While most studies have focused on …
satisfaction and retention of loyal patients is lacking. While most studies have focused on …
Improving the elicitation of critical customer requirements through an understanding of their sensitivity
Y Li, K Sha, H Li, Y Wang, Y Dong, J Feng… - … in Engineering Design, 2023 - Springer
Customer requirements (CRs) are the essential driven forces of product development.
Constrained by the rigid budget and time allocated to product development, much attentions …
Constrained by the rigid budget and time allocated to product development, much attentions …
The effect of patient perceived involvement on patient loyalty in primary care: The mediating role of patient satisfaction and the moderating role of the family doctor …
L Zhang, Q Zhang, X Li, W Shao, J Ma… - … Journal of Health …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Background The Chinese government has taken many incentives to promote the
implementation of the family doctor (FD) contract service; however, whether primary health …
implementation of the family doctor (FD) contract service; however, whether primary health …