Integrated reporting with CSR practices: A pragmatic constructivist case study in a Danish cultural setting
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how standards and guidelines for
corporate social responsibility (CSR) can help a company in its integrated reporting (IR). The …
corporate social responsibility (CSR) can help a company in its integrated reporting (IR). The …
[PDF][PDF] Translators of Patient Information Leaflets: Translation experts or expert translators?: A mixed methods study of lay-friendliness
MN Jensen - 2013 -
This chapter introduces the background of the dissertation in order to briefly situate the unit
of analysis, ie the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL), in its real-life environment as an …
of analysis, ie the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL), in its real-life environment as an …
Mobile supported teacher training in Sub-Saharan Africa. Which contributions and how to analyze them?
E von Lautz-Cauzanet - 2018 -
This dissertation analyzes the contributions of mobile supported teacher training, how these
evolve and which factors take influence on this evolution. The first two chapters expose the …
evolve and which factors take influence on this evolution. The first two chapters expose the …
Understanding CSR Communication Contexts Based on the Stakeholder's Theory.
Y ZIEITA - Argumentum: Journal the Seminar of Discursive …, 2017 -
This theoretical paper gives a way to understand, through the stakeholder's theory, the CSR
Communication in different contexts or circumstances. It attempts to explain the company's …
Communication in different contexts or circumstances. It attempts to explain the company's …
[PDF][PDF] Develo** a model of process strategies in subtitling: Redefining translation strategies taking a process perspective: Thesis Proposal
K Carstensen - 2015 -
In a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces fit together in a certain way to depict a certain picture, and it is
crucial to have an overview of the whole picture to identify the right place of the individual …
crucial to have an overview of the whole picture to identify the right place of the individual …
[PDF][PDF] The value of political values: An exploration into the communication of political values by coalition government parties
SB Jakobsen - 2015 -
Modern democracy is in crisis, and many Western European countries are experiencing
decreasing public engagement in political matters and a general public disenchantment with …
decreasing public engagement in political matters and a general public disenchantment with …
[PDF][PDF] Develo** a model of process strategies in subtitling: Redefining translation strategies taking a process perspective
H Gottlieb - 2015 -
In a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces fit together in a certain way to depict a certain picture, and it is
crucial to have an overview of the whole picture to identify the right place of the individual …
crucial to have an overview of the whole picture to identify the right place of the individual …
CSR Communication Motives of the Algerian State Company: A Case Study on Sonelgaz Group
Y ZIEITA - The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” …, 2017 -
This paper aims to highlight the motives that lead The Sonelgaz Group to communicate its
CSR actions. These motives are, certainly, coming from the group's context that consists of …
CSR actions. These motives are, certainly, coming from the group's context that consists of …
Vastuullisuusodotukset kumppanuussuhteissa: Yhteistyökumppaneiden kokemukset Ähtärin eläinpuiston vastuullisuudesta ja vastuuviestinnästä
J Ruotsi - 2019 -
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää Ähtärin eläinpuiston yhteistyökumppaneiden
kokemuksia Ähtärin eläinpuiston vastuullisuudesta ja vastuullisuusviestinnästä …
kokemuksia Ähtärin eläinpuiston vastuullisuudesta ja vastuullisuusviestinnästä …
[PDF][PDF] Analyzing Voluntary CSR Communication: A Qualitative Study On “Fertial NEWS”
Y Zieita - International Journal of Applied Research in …, 2019 -
This paper aims to investigate Fertial's CSR communication, to comprehend whether it is a
voluntary adoption or it is due to external stakeholders' influence. Unlike many empirical …
voluntary adoption or it is due to external stakeholders' influence. Unlike many empirical …