Phase-resolved wave prediction in highly spread seas using optimised arrays of buoys
In many offshore operations, including the operation of wave energy converters, phase-
resolved wave prediction is essential for safety and efficiency. However, for sea-states with …
resolved wave prediction is essential for safety and efficiency. However, for sea-states with …
Efficient real-time deterministic wave prediction for marine renewable energy
T Hlophe - 2023 - research-repository.uwa.edu.au
The thesis is aimed at develo** phase-resolved prediction models for ocean surface
waves. The models run in real-time on a standard personal computer. Such models can be …
waves. The models run in real-time on a standard personal computer. Such models can be …
Experimental investigation on the characteristics of directional focusing waves
R Lakshman, V Sriram… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
The analysis on fixed or floating structures exposed to directional extreme waves has been a
topic of keen interest in ocean engineering. In this context, an attempt is made to study the …
topic of keen interest in ocean engineering. In this context, an attempt is made to study the …
[PDF][PDF] Probabilistic design of coastal structures
DI Malliouri - 2020 - dspace.lib.ntua.gr
Upon completion of the present study I would like to deeply thank my supervisor, Associate
Professor Vasiliki Tsoukala for assigning this very interesting and challenging thesis, as well …
Professor Vasiliki Tsoukala for assigning this very interesting and challenging thesis, as well …
Метод определения кривизны морских волн с использованием волномерных буев традиционной формы
КА Глеб - Известия высших учебных заведений России …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Введение. В настоящее время волномерные буи (ВБ) повсеместно применяются для
измерения статистических и спектральных параметров волн. Современные методы …
измерения статистических и спектральных параметров волн. Современные методы …
[PDF][PDF] Method for Determining the Sea Waves Curvature Using Wave Buoys Conventional Shape
KA Gleb - Journal of the Russian Universities, 1998 - re.eltech.ru
Materials and methods. Theoretical substantiations of the proposed method were presented,
as well as mathematical modeling of irregular wave processes in a wide range of wave …
as well as mathematical modeling of irregular wave processes in a wide range of wave …