A review of methods for improving interlaminar interfaces and fracture toughness of laminated composites
Interlaminar fracture or delamination is one of the major failure modes for fiber reinforced
polymer (FRP) and fiber metal laminate (FML) composites. Many studies have been carried …
polymer (FRP) and fiber metal laminate (FML) composites. Many studies have been carried …
[HTML][HTML] Multiscale polymer composites: A review of the interlaminar fracture toughness improvement
Composite materials are prone to delamination as they are weaker in the thickness
direction. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are introduced as a multiscale reinforcement into the …
direction. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are introduced as a multiscale reinforcement into the …
Experimental investigation on the low-velocity impact responses of fibre metal laminates with various internal and external factors
This paper aims to investigate the low-velocity impact (LVI) failure mechanism of fibre metal
laminates (FMLs), and systematically explore the effects of internal factors (layup sequence …
laminates (FMLs), and systematically explore the effects of internal factors (layup sequence …
[HTML][HTML] Recent Approaches of Interfaces Strengthening in Fibre Metal Laminates: Processes, Measurements, Properties and Numerical Analysis
Recently, there is a pressing need for high-performance and lightweight structural materials
in aircraft and automobile industry; fibre metal laminates (FMLs) are suggested ideal …
in aircraft and automobile industry; fibre metal laminates (FMLs) are suggested ideal …
[HTML][HTML] Al-Mg-Si/SiC laminated composites: fabrication, architectural characteristics, toughness, damage tolerance, fracture mechanisms
Different architectures of layered laminates comprising two exterior layers of Al-Mg-Si/SiC
metal matrix composite and an Al1050 ductile interlayer were fabricated by means of hot roll …
metal matrix composite and an Al1050 ductile interlayer were fabricated by means of hot roll …
Mode II fatigue delamination behaviour of composite multidirectional laminates and the stress ratio effect
Shear-dominated delamination is among one of the most common damages types. Deep
understanding of the mode II fatigue delamination growth (FDG) behaviour is critically …
understanding of the mode II fatigue delamination growth (FDG) behaviour is critically …
Experimental and numerical study on Mode I and Mode II interfacial fracture toughness of co-cured steel-CFRP hybrid composites
Interfacial fracture toughness of co-cured steel-carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) hybrid
composites were investigated in this paper. To illustrate the effect of the interlayer on the …
composites were investigated in this paper. To illustrate the effect of the interlayer on the …
Tuning interfacial mechanical properties of Ti/CFRP laminates using customized intercalation of woven metallic fabrics
Improving the interlaminar fracture toughness of fiber metal laminates comprising titanium
alloy (Ti) and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) holds considerable significance for …
alloy (Ti) and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) holds considerable significance for …
[HTML][HTML] New reactive rigid-rod aminated aromatic polyamide for the simultaneous strengthening and toughening of epoxy resin and carbon fiber/epoxy composites
In recent years, nanomaterial reinforced composites have been extensively studied,
however, research on molecular composites, ie composites reinforced by rigid-rod …
however, research on molecular composites, ie composites reinforced by rigid-rod …
A Semi-theoretical criterion based on the combination of strain energy release rate and strain energy density concepts (STSERSED): Establishment of a new …
Motivated by previous research performed by the authors assessing the fracture behavior in
orthotropic materials under mixed-mode I/II loading, this article aims to propose a novel …
orthotropic materials under mixed-mode I/II loading, this article aims to propose a novel …