Nonthermal states arising from confinement in one and two dimensions

AJA James, RM Konik, NJ Robinson - Physical review letters, 2019 - APS
We show that confinement in the quantum Ising model leads to nonthermal eigenstates, in
both continuum and lattice theories, in both one (1D) and two dimensions (2D). In the …

Signatures of rare states and thermalization in a theory with confinement

NJ Robinson, AJA James, RM Konik - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
There is a dichotomy in the nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems. In the
presence of integrability, expectation values of local operators equilibrate to values …

Collisions of false-vacuum bubble walls in a quantum spin chain

A Milsted, J Liu, J Preskill, G Vidal - PRX Quantum, 2022 - APS
We simulate, using nonperturbative methods, the real-time dynamics of small bubbles of
“false vacuum” in a quantum spin chain near criticality, where the low-energy physics is …

Entanglement oscillations near a quantum critical point

OA Castro-Alvaredo, M Lencsés, IM Szécsényi, J Viti - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
We study the dynamics of entanglement in the scaling limit of the Ising spin chain in the
presence of both a longitudinal and a transverse field. We present analytical results for the …

Correlation functions of the quantum sine-Gordon model in and out of equilibrium

I Kukuljan, S Sotiriadis, G Takacs - Physical review letters, 2018 - APS
Complete information on the equilibrium behavior and dynamics of quantum field theory
(QFT) is provided by multipoint correlation functions. However, their theoretical calculation is …

Decay of long-lived oscillations after quantum quenches in gapped interacting quantum systems

JH Robertson, R Senese, FHL Essler - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
The presence of long-lived oscillations in the expectation values of local observables after
quantum quenches has recently attracted considerable attention in relation to weak …

Introduction to lightcone conformal truncation: QFT dynamics from CFT data

N Anand, AL Fitzpatrick, E Katz, ZU Khandker… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2020 -
We both review and augment the lightcone conformal truncation (LCT) method. LCT is a
Hamiltonian truncation method for calculating dynamical quantities in QFT in infinite volume …

False vacuum decay in the ()-dimensional theory

D Szász-Schagrin, G Takács - Physical Review D, 2022 - APS
The false vacuum is a metastable state that can occur in quantum field theory, and its decay
was first studied semiclassically by Coleman. In this work, we consider the 1+ 1 dimensional …

[HTML][HTML] Chirally factorised truncated conformal space approach

DX Horváth, K Hódsági, G Takács - Computer Physics Communications, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Truncated Conformal Space Approach (TCSA) is a highly efficient method to
compute spectra, operator matrix elements and time evolution in quantum field theories …

Nonequilibrium time evolution and rephasing in the quantum sine-Gordon model

DX Horváth, I Lovas, M Kormos, G Takács, G Zaránd - Physical Review A, 2019 - APS
We discuss the nonequilibrium time evolution of the phase field in the sine-Gordon model
using two very different approaches: the truncated Wigner approximation and the truncated …