Oxygenation, life, and the planetary system during Earth's middle history: An overview
The long history of life on Earth has unfolded as a cause-and-effect relationship with the
evolving amount of oxygen (O2) in the oceans and atmosphere. Oxygen deficiency …
evolving amount of oxygen (O2) in the oceans and atmosphere. Oxygen deficiency …
Magnetite and green rust: synthesis, properties, and environmental applications of mixed-valent iron minerals
Mixed-valent iron [Fe (II)-Fe (III)] minerals such as magnetite and green rust have received a
significant amount of attention over recent decades, especially in the environmental …
significant amount of attention over recent decades, especially in the environmental …
Long-term organic carbon preservation enhanced by iron and manganese
The balance between degradation and preservation of sedimentary organic carbon (OC) is
important for global carbon and oxygen cycles. The relative importance of different …
important for global carbon and oxygen cycles. The relative importance of different …
A re-assessment of elemental proxies for paleoredox analysis
Paleoredox conditions are commonly evaluated based on elemental proxies but, despite
their frequency of use, most of these proxies have received little comparative evaluation or …
their frequency of use, most of these proxies have received little comparative evaluation or …
Redox classification and calibration of redox thresholds in sedimentary systems
Existing redox classifications and the calibrations of elemental proxies to modern
environmental redox scales are in need of re-evaluation. Here, we review environmental …
environmental redox scales are in need of re-evaluation. Here, we review environmental …
A 200-million-year delay in permanent atmospheric oxygenation
The rise of atmospheric oxygen fundamentally changed the chemistry of surficial
environments and the nature of Earth's habitability. Early atmospheric oxygenation occurred …
environments and the nature of Earth's habitability. Early atmospheric oxygenation occurred …
Sustained increases in atmospheric oxygen and marine productivity in the Neoproterozoic and Palaeozoic eras
A geologically rapid Neoproterozoic oxygenation event is commonly linked to the
appearance of marine animal groups in the fossil record. However, there is still debate about …
appearance of marine animal groups in the fossil record. However, there is still debate about …
Eukaryogenesis and oxygen in Earth history
The endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria during eukaryogenesis has long been viewed as
an adaptive response to the oxygenation of Earth's surface environment, presuming a …
an adaptive response to the oxygenation of Earth's surface environment, presuming a …
Evolution of the global phosphorus cycle
The macronutrient phosphorus is thought to limit primary productivity in the oceans on
geological timescales. Although there has been a sustained effort to reconstruct the …
geological timescales. Although there has been a sustained effort to reconstruct the …
Statistical analysis of iron geochemical data suggests limited late Proterozoic oxygenation
Sedimentary rocks deposited across the Proterozoic–Phanerozoic transition record extreme
climate fluctuations, a potential rise in atmospheric oxygen or re-organization of the seafloor …
climate fluctuations, a potential rise in atmospheric oxygen or re-organization of the seafloor …