The lancet global health commission on global eye health: vision beyond 2020
MJ Burton, J Ramke, AP Marques… - The Lancet Global …, 2021 - thelancet.com
Eye health and vision have widespread and profound implications for many aspects of life,
health, sustainable development, and the economy. Yet nowadays, many people, families …
health, sustainable development, and the economy. Yet nowadays, many people, families …
Visual impairment and mental health: unmet needs and treatment options
DL Demmin, SM Silverstein - Clinical ophthalmology, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose An estimated 2.2 billion people are visually impaired worldwide. Given that age-
related vision loss is a primary cause of vision impairment, this number is projected to rise …
related vision loss is a primary cause of vision impairment, this number is projected to rise …
Causes of blindness and vision impairment in 2020 and trends over 30 years, and prevalence of avoidable blindness in relation to VISION 2020: the Right to Sight: an …
Background Many causes of vision impairment can be prevented or treated. With an ageing
global population, the demands for eye health services are increasing. We estimated the …
global population, the demands for eye health services are increasing. We estimated the …
The prevalence of vision impairment and blindness among older adults in India: findings from the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India
Vision impairment and blindness are strongly associated with aging and late-life disability.
While home to about 17% of the world's population, an estimated 25% of visually impaired …
While home to about 17% of the world's population, an estimated 25% of visually impaired …
The association between vision impairment and social participation in community-dwelling adults: a systematic review
K Shah, CR Frank, JR Ehrlich - Eye, 2020 - nature.com
Vision impairment (VI) is an important contributor to the global burden of disability and is
associated with decreased well-being. Recent research has attempted to devise a …
associated with decreased well-being. Recent research has attempted to devise a …
Global, regional, and national years lived with disability due to blindness and vision loss from 1990 to 2019: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
S Li, E Ye, J Huang, J Wang, Y Zhao, D Niu… - Frontiers in Public …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Purpose This study aimed to provide a comprehensive assessment of burden estimates and
the secular trend of blindness and vision loss, as measured by years lived with disability …
the secular trend of blindness and vision loss, as measured by years lived with disability …
Trend and driving factors in burden of age-related macular degeneration in older adults aged 60–89 years: a global analysis over three decades
QY Ni, MY Wu, CK Zha, Y Wen, L Zhong… - Age and …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Background To explore temporal trends and determine driving factors of age-related
macular degeneration (AMD) burden in older adults aged 60–89 years at global, regional …
macular degeneration (AMD) burden in older adults aged 60–89 years at global, regional …
Evaluation of an OCT-AI–based telemedicine platform for retinal disease screening and referral in a primary care setting
Purpose: To evaluate the performance of a telemedicine platform integrated with optical
coherence tomography (OCT) and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for retinal disease …
coherence tomography (OCT) and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for retinal disease …
Sociodemographic factors influencing rhegmatogenous retinal detachment presentation and outcome
Purpose The impact of sociodemographic factors on the presentation and outcomes of
rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in the United States has not been described. We …
rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in the United States has not been described. We …
Association of objective visual impairment with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among adults aged≥ 50 years in low/middle-income countries
Background There is currently limited literature on the association between visual
impairment and suicidal thoughts and behaviours, especially among older adults from …
impairment and suicidal thoughts and behaviours, especially among older adults from …