Anisotropic medium sensing controlled by bound states in the continuum in polarization-independent metasurfaces
JY Gao, J Liu, HM Yang, HS Liu, G Zeng, B Huang - Optics Express, 2023 -
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) with infinite quality factor (Q-factor) and significant field
enhancement pave the way for realizing highly sensitive optical sensors with enhanced light …
enhancement pave the way for realizing highly sensitive optical sensors with enhanced light …
Radial bound states in the continuum for polarization-invariant nanophotonics
All-dielectric nanophotonics underpinned by the physics of bound states in the continuum
(BICs) have demonstrated breakthrough applications in nanoscale light manipulation …
(BICs) have demonstrated breakthrough applications in nanoscale light manipulation …
A multi-mode super-fano mechanism for enhanced third harmonic generation in silicon metasurfaces
D Hähnel, C Golla, M Albert, T Zentgraf… - Light: Science & …, 2023 -
We present strong enhancement of third harmonic generation in an amorphous silicon
metasurface consisting of elliptical nano resonators. We show that this enhancement …
metasurface consisting of elliptical nano resonators. We show that this enhancement …
Nonlinear photonics with metasurfaces
Nonlinear optics is a well-established field of research that traditionally relies on the
interaction of light with macroscopic nonlinear media over distances significantly greater …
interaction of light with macroscopic nonlinear media over distances significantly greater …
High-efficiency optical frequency mixing in an all-dielectric metasurface enabled by multiple bound states in the continuum
We present nonlinear optical four-wave mixing in a silicon nanodisk dimer metasurface.
Under the oblique incident plane waves, the designed metasurface exhibits a multiresonant …
Under the oblique incident plane waves, the designed metasurface exhibits a multiresonant …
Enhanced sum-frequency generation from etchless lithium niobate empowered by dual quasi-bound states in the continuum
The miniaturization of nonlinear light sources is central to the integrated photonic platform,
driving a quest for high-efficiency frequency generation and mixing at the nanoscale. In this …
driving a quest for high-efficiency frequency generation and mixing at the nanoscale. In this …
Boosting second harmonic generation by merging bound states in the continuum
Ultracompact devices for second harmonic generation (SHG) have broad applications in
various fields. In this study, we numerically demonstrate efficient SHG from a merged bound …
various fields. In this study, we numerically demonstrate efficient SHG from a merged bound …
High-Q Fano resonances in all-dielectric metastructures for enhanced optical biosensing applications
H Chen, X Fan, W Fang, B Zhang, S Cao… - Biomedical Optics …, 2023 -
Fano resonance with high Q-factor is considered to play an important role in the field of
refractive index sensing. In this paper, we theoretically and experimentally investigate a …
refractive index sensing. In this paper, we theoretically and experimentally investigate a …
Polarization-insensitive and polarization-controlled dual-band third-harmonic generation in silicon metasurfaces driven by quasi-bound states in the continuum
High-refractive-index nanostructures offer versatile opportunities for nonlinear optical effects,
due to their ability to strongly confine field into a subwavelength scale. Herein, we propose a …
due to their ability to strongly confine field into a subwavelength scale. Herein, we propose a …
Homogeneous and Significant Near‐Field Enhancement in All‐Dielectric Metasurfaces for Sensing Applications
All‐dielectric metasurfaces supporting high‐Q resonances have emerged as a promising
platform for sensing applications. However, the greatly enhanced near‐fields are usually …
platform for sensing applications. However, the greatly enhanced near‐fields are usually …