Semantic anomaly, pragmatic infelicity, and ungrammaticality

M Abrusán - Annual Review of Linguistics, 2019 -
A major goal of modern syntax has been to find principles that rule out sentences that seem
ungrammatical. To achieve this goal, it has been proposed that syntactically odd (or …

Scalar additive operators in the languages of Europe

V Gast, J Van der Auwera - Language, 2011 -
Scalar additive operators, such as Engl. even, Fr. même, Germ. sogar, Sp. aun, and so forth,
vary crosslinguistically in terms of their distributional behavior, in particular with respect to …

On universal free choice items

P Menéndez-Benito - Natural Language Semantics, 2010 - Springer
This paper deals with the interpretation and distribution of universal Free Choice (FC) items,
such as English FC any or Spanish cualquiera. Crosslinguistically, universal FC items can …

Presuppositional and negative islands: A semantic account

M Abrusán - Natural Language Semantics, 2011 - Springer
This paper proposes a new explanation for the oddness of presuppositional and negative
islands, as well as the puzzling observation that these islands can be obviated by certain …

Additive presuppositions are derived through activating focus alternatives

A Szabolcsi - Proceedings of the Amsterdam Colloquium, 2017 -
The additive presupposition of particles like too/even is uncontested, but usually stipulated.
This paper proposes to derive it based on two properties.(i) too/even is cross-linguistically …

Contradiction and grammar: The case of weak islands

M Abrusán - 2007 -
This thesis is about weak islands. Weak islands are contexts that are transparent to some
but not all operator-variable dependencies. For this reason, they are also sometimes called …

Unconditionals and free choice unified

A Szabolcsi - Semantics and linguistic theory, 2019 -
Rawlins (2013: 160) observes that both unconditionals and more classical free choice can
be meta-characterized using orthogonality, but does not actually unify the two. One reason …

[HTML][HTML] Two types of quantifier particles: Quantifier-phrase internal vs. heads on the clausal spine

A Szabolcsi - Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2018 -
The paper discusses two types of quantifier particles in Hungarian that both participate in
reiterated constructions. One type follows and the other precedes its host, which makes it …

Quantification in Hungarian

A Csirmaz, A Szabolcsi - Handbook of quantifiers in natural language, 2012 - Springer
This chapter illustrates various semantic types of quantifiers, such as generalized existential,
generalized universal, proportional, definite and partitive which are defined in the Quantifier …

[PDF][PDF] The grammar of free-choice items in Hungarian

TA Halm - 2016 -
The topic of this PhD thesis is the behaviour of free-choice items (FCIs) in Hungarian. FCIs
such as any have been at the forefront of research interest in the past decades (eg Ladusaw …