The role of constraints in linked data
The paper argues that a Linked Data source should publish an application ontology that
includes a set of constraints that capture the semantics of the classes and properties used to …
includes a set of constraints that capture the semantics of the classes and properties used to …
Operations over lightweight ontologies
The best practices for Linked Data design recommend reusing known ontologies. However,
the process of reusing an ontology involves two issues:(1) selecting a set of terms from the …
the process of reusing an ontology involves two issues:(1) selecting a set of terms from the …
Operations over lightweight ontologies and their implementation
MA Casanova, RC Magalhães - … and Explicit Semantics Integration in Proof …, 2021 - Springer
This chapter first defines a set of operations that create new ontologies, including their
constraints, out of other ontologies. The projection, union, and deprecation operations help …
constraints, out of other ontologies. The projection, union, and deprecation operations help …
On the implementation of an algebra of lightweight ontologies
This paper1 first argues that ontology design may benefit from treating ontologies as
theories and from the definition of a set of operations that map ontologies into ontologies …
theories and from the definition of a set of operations that map ontologies into ontologies …
Three decades of research on database design at PUC-Rio
Research on database design at PUC-Rio dates back to the late seventies and covers a
broad range of topics, from the early development of the relational model to recent …
broad range of topics, from the early development of the relational model to recent …
Dealing with inconsistencies in linked data mashups
Dealing with inconsistencies in linked data mashups Page 1 Dealing with inconsistencies in
Linked Data Mashups Eveline R. Sacramento, Marco A. Casanova, Karin K. Breitman, Antonio L …
Linked Data Mashups Eveline R. Sacramento, Marco A. Casanova, Karin K. Breitman, Antonio L …
An Algebra of Lightweight Ontologies
MA Casanova, R Magalhães - arxiv preprint arxiv:1809.01621, 2018 - arxiv.org
This paper argues that certain ontology design problems are profitably addressed by
treating ontologies as theories and by defining a set of operations that create new …
treating ontologies as theories and by defining a set of operations that create new …
On the problem of matching database schemas
This chapter introduces procedures to test strict satisfiability and decide logical implication
for a family of database schemas called extralite schemas with role hierarchies. Using the …
for a family of database schemas called extralite schemas with role hierarchies. Using the …
[PDF][PDF] An Approach for Dealing with Inconsistencies in Data Mashups
ER Sacramento - 2015 - maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br
Janeiro, 2015. 100p. D. Sc. Thesis-Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio de Janeiro. With the amount of data available on the Web, consumers can …
Católica do Rio de Janeiro. With the amount of data available on the Web, consumers can …
[PDF][PDF] Ontologies as Theories.
This position paper argues that certain familiar ontology design problems are profitably
addressed by treating ontologies as theories and by defining a set of operations that create …
addressed by treating ontologies as theories and by defining a set of operations that create …