Cognitive presence in learner–content interaction process: The role of scaffolding in online self-regulated learning environments
MA Al Mamun, G Lawrie - Journal of Computers in Education, 2024 - Springer
The effectiveness of learner–content interaction in online inquiry depends on the extent
student cognitive presence can be fostered. This study sought to understand how scaffolding …
student cognitive presence can be fostered. This study sought to understand how scaffolding …
Exploring the Effects on Fifth Graders' Concept Achievement and Scientific Epistemological Beliefs: Applying the Prediction-Observation-Explanation Inquiry-Based …
The inquiry-based learning model can facilitate students' understanding of scientific
concepts. Scientific epistemological beliefs (SEBs) are related to students' beliefs about the …
concepts. Scientific epistemological beliefs (SEBs) are related to students' beliefs about the …
Develo** MeMoRI on Newton's Laws: For Identifying Students' Mental Models.
The identification of students' mental models is crucial in understanding their knowledge of
scientific concepts. This research aimed to develop a Mental Models Representation …
scientific concepts. This research aimed to develop a Mental Models Representation …
Designing, develo**, and evaluating an interactive e-book based on the predict-observe-explain (POE) method
N Çırakoğlu, SE Toksoy, İ Reisoğlu - Journal of Formative Design in …, 2022 - Springer
Teaching materials can increase efficiency in learning environments. One type of materials
with proven effectiveness is interactive e-books. Interactive e-books based on certain …
with proven effectiveness is interactive e-books. Interactive e-books based on certain …
The Effect of SSCS Learning Model on Reflective Thinking Skills and Problem Solving Ability.
This study aims to determine the effect of the application of the Search, Solve, Create, and
Share (SSCS) learning model to the mathematical reflective thinking skills and the students' …
Share (SSCS) learning model to the mathematical reflective thinking skills and the students' …
Fostering self-regulation and engaged exploration during the learner-content interaction process: the role of scaffolding in the online inquiry-based learning …
MAA Mamun - Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to present a scaffolding framework incorporating sophisticated
technology that can inform instructional design to support student inquiry learning in the self …
technology that can inform instructional design to support student inquiry learning in the self …
An experimental study exploring the effects of predict–observe–explain method supported with simulations
A Tuysuz, ÖF Özdemİr - Research in Science & Technological …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Background Since the early 20th century, research has been conducted on how to ensure
optimal learning. With the develo** and changing technology, different teaching …
optimal learning. With the develo** and changing technology, different teaching …
Students' science process skills and understanding on Ohm's law and direct current circuit through virtual laboratory based predict-observe-explain model
Many studies have found that good science process skills are correlated with understanding
of concepts. Based on observations, many students have low understanding and processing …
of concepts. Based on observations, many students have low understanding and processing …
[PDF][PDF] Inquiry-scaffolding learning model: Its effect on critical thinking skills and conceptual understanding
W Wartono, YF Alfroni, JR Batlolona… - … Fisika Al-Biruni, 2019 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This study aimed to examine the effect of inquiry-scaffolding on critical thinking skills and
conceptual understanding. The research design used was a mixed-method embedded …
conceptual understanding. The research design used was a mixed-method embedded …
The effect of prediction-observation-explanation (POE) method on learning of image formation by a plane mirror and pre-service teachers' opinions
G Harman, N Yenikalayci - Journal of Educational …, 2022 - scholarworks.waldenu.edu
In this research, we examined the effect of the prediction-observation-explanation (POE)
method on learning of image formation by a plane mirror and pre-service teachers' opinions …
method on learning of image formation by a plane mirror and pre-service teachers' opinions …