Cognitive presence in learner–content interaction process: The role of scaffolding in online self-regulated learning environments

MA Al Mamun, G Lawrie - Journal of Computers in Education, 2024 - Springer
The effectiveness of learner–content interaction in online inquiry depends on the extent
student cognitive presence can be fostered. This study sought to understand how scaffolding …

Exploring the Effects on Fifth Graders' Concept Achievement and Scientific Epistemological Beliefs: Applying the Prediction-Observation-Explanation Inquiry-Based …

L Zhao, W He, X Liu, KH Tai, JC Hong - Journal of Baltic Science Education, 2021 - ERIC
The inquiry-based learning model can facilitate students' understanding of scientific
concepts. Scientific epistemological beliefs (SEBs) are related to students' beliefs about the …

Develo** MeMoRI on Newton's Laws: For Identifying Students' Mental Models.

NJ Fratiwi, A Samsudin, TR Ramalis, A Saregar… - European Journal of …, 2020 - ERIC
The identification of students' mental models is crucial in understanding their knowledge of
scientific concepts. This research aimed to develop a Mental Models Representation …

Designing, develo**, and evaluating an interactive e-book based on the predict-observe-explain (POE) method

N Çırakoğlu, SE Toksoy, İ Reisoğlu - Journal of Formative Design in …, 2022 - Springer
Teaching materials can increase efficiency in learning environments. One type of materials
with proven effectiveness is interactive e-books. Interactive e-books based on certain …

The Effect of SSCS Learning Model on Reflective Thinking Skills and Problem Solving Ability.

M Yasin, J Fakhri, R Faelasofi, A Safi'i, N Supriadi… - European Journal of …, 2020 - ERIC
This study aims to determine the effect of the application of the Search, Solve, Create, and
Share (SSCS) learning model to the mathematical reflective thinking skills and the students' …

Fostering self-regulation and engaged exploration during the learner-content interaction process: the role of scaffolding in the online inquiry-based learning …

MAA Mamun - Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 2022 -
Purpose This study aims to present a scaffolding framework incorporating sophisticated
technology that can inform instructional design to support student inquiry learning in the self …

An experimental study exploring the effects of predict–observe–explain method supported with simulations

A Tuysuz, ÖF Özdemİr - Research in Science & Technological …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Background Since the early 20th century, research has been conducted on how to ensure
optimal learning. With the develo** and changing technology, different teaching …

Students' science process skills and understanding on Ohm's law and direct current circuit through virtual laboratory based predict-observe-explain model

TJ Hartanto, PAC Dinata, N Azizah… - … Indonesian Journal of …, 2023 -
Many studies have found that good science process skills are correlated with understanding
of concepts. Based on observations, many students have low understanding and processing …

[PDF][PDF] Inquiry-scaffolding learning model: Its effect on critical thinking skills and conceptual understanding

W Wartono, YF Alfroni, JR Batlolona… - … Fisika Al-Biruni, 2019 -
This study aimed to examine the effect of inquiry-scaffolding on critical thinking skills and
conceptual understanding. The research design used was a mixed-method embedded …

The effect of prediction-observation-explanation (POE) method on learning of image formation by a plane mirror and pre-service teachers' opinions

G Harman, N Yenikalayci - Journal of Educational …, 2022 -
In this research, we examined the effect of the prediction-observation-explanation (POE)
method on learning of image formation by a plane mirror and pre-service teachers' opinions …