Residency and space use estimation methods based on passive acoustic telemetry data

S Kraft, M Gandra, RJ Lennox, J Mourier, AC Winkler… - Movement Ecology, 2023 - Springer
Acoustic telemetry has helped overcome many of the challenges faced when studying the
movement ecology of aquatic species, allowing to obtain unprecedented amounts of data …

Reptiles on the wrong track? Moving beyond traditional estimators with dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Models

I Silva, M Crane, BM Marshall, CT Strine - Movement Ecology, 2020 - Springer
Background Animal movement expressed through home ranges or space-use can offer
insights into spatial and habitat requirements. However, different classes of estimation …

Using the VEMCO Positioning System (VPS) to explore fine-scale movements of aquatic species: applications, analytical approaches and future directions

DL Orrell, NE Hussey - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2022 -
Recent advancements in telemetry have redefined our ability to quantify the fine-scale
movements of aquatic animals and derive a mechanistic understanding of movement …

Telemetry in movement ecology of aquatic and semi-aquatic turtles in world freshwater ecoregions: a systematic review

MV Ribeiro, RL da Silva, AS Cruz… - Ethology Ecology & …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The improvement of techniques and analyses to understand the movement of freshwater
turtles has helped managers in decision-making and the establishment of management …

Native Burmese pythons exhibit site fidelity and preference for aquatic habitats in an agricultural mosaic

SN Smith, MD Jones, BM Marshall, S Waengsothorn… - Scientific reports, 2021 -
Animal movement and resource use are tightly linked. Investigating these links to
understand how animals use space and select habitats is especially relevant in areas …

Interannual nearshore habitat use of young of the year white sharks off Southern California

JM Anderson, ES Burns, EN Meese… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2021 -
Young-of-the-year (YOY) and juvenile-stage white sharks may use southern California
nearshore beach habitats more extensively than previously known, within meters of some of …

No room to roam: King Cobras reduce movement in agriculture

BM Marshall, M Crane, I Silva, CT Strine, MD Jones… - Movement ecology, 2020 - Springer
Background Studying animal movement provides insights into how animals react to land-
use changes. As agriculture expands, we can use animal movement to examine how …

African wild dog movements show contrasting responses to long and short term risk of encountering lions: analysis using dynamic Brownian bridge movement models

B Goodheart, S Creel, MA Vinks, K Banda… - Movement Ecology, 2022 - Springer
Background Prey depletion is a threat to the world's large carnivores, and is likely to affect
subordinate competitors within the large carnivore guild disproportionately. African lions limit …

Reptile home ranges revisited: a case study of space use of Sonoran Desert tortoises (Gopherus morafkai)

RC Averill-Murray, CH Fleming, J Riedle - … Conservation and Biology, 2020 -
Many recommendations exist for estimating home ranges of herpetofauna, often focused on
mitigating effects of sedentary behavior and autocorrelation. Authors have often applied …

Biological response to Przewalski's horse reintroduction in native desert grasslands: a case study on the spatial analysis of ticks

Y Zhang, J Liu, K Zhang, A Wang… - BMC Ecology and …, 2024 - Springer
Background Reintroduction represents an effective strategy for the conservation of
endangered wildlife, yet it might inadvertently impact the native ecosystems. This …