Recent progress in quantum photonic chips for quantum communication and internet
Recent years have witnessed significant progress in quantum communication and quantum
internet with the emerging quantum photonic chips, whose characteristics of scalability …
internet with the emerging quantum photonic chips, whose characteristics of scalability …
Noisy intermediate-scale quantum algorithms
A universal fault-tolerant quantum computer that can efficiently solve problems such as
integer factorization and unstructured database search requires millions of qubits with low …
integer factorization and unstructured database search requires millions of qubits with low …
Quantum computational advantage with a programmable photonic processor
A quantum computer attains computational advantage when outperforming the best
classical computers running the best-known algorithms on well-defined tasks. No photonic …
classical computers running the best-known algorithms on well-defined tasks. No photonic …
Very-large-scale integrated quantum graph photonics
Graphs have provided an expressive mathematical tool to model quantum-mechanical
devices and systems. In particular, it has been recently discovered that graph theory can be …
devices and systems. In particular, it has been recently discovered that graph theory can be …
Quantum circuits with many photons on a programmable nanophotonic chip
Growing interest in quantum computing for practical applications has led to a surge in the
availability of programmable machines for executing quantum algorithms,. Present-day …
availability of programmable machines for executing quantum algorithms,. Present-day …
Quantum computational advantage using photons
Quantum computers promise to perform certain tasks that are believed to be intractable to
classical computers. Boson sampling is such a task and is considered a strong candidate to …
classical computers. Boson sampling is such a task and is considered a strong candidate to …
Computational advantage of quantum random sampling
Quantum random sampling is the leading proposal for demonstrating a computational
advantage of quantum computers over classical computers. Recently the first large-scale …
advantage of quantum computers over classical computers. Recently the first large-scale …
Intelligent computing: the latest advances, challenges, and future
Computing is a critical driving force in the development of human civilization. In recent years,
we have witnessed the emergence of intelligent computing, a new computing paradigm that …
we have witnessed the emergence of intelligent computing, a new computing paradigm that …
Noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers
Quantum computers have made extraordinary progress over the past decade, and
significant milestones have been achieved along the path of pursuing universal fault-tolerant …
significant milestones have been achieved along the path of pursuing universal fault-tolerant …
Quantum computing for healthcare: A review
In recent years, the interdisciplinary field of quantum computing has rapidly developed and
garnered substantial interest from both academia and industry due to its ability to process …
garnered substantial interest from both academia and industry due to its ability to process …