Enterococci in the environment
Enterococci are common, commensal members of gut communities in mammals and birds,
yet they are also opportunistic pathogens that cause millions of human and animal infections …
yet they are also opportunistic pathogens that cause millions of human and animal infections …
Assessing microbial pollution of rural surface waters: A review of current watershed scale modeling approaches
Liquid and solid wastes generated from both animal and domestic sources can significantly
impair drinking, irrigation and recreational water sources in rural areas. The assessment and …
impair drinking, irrigation and recreational water sources in rural areas. The assessment and …
Resuspension of Sediment‐Associated Escherichia coli in a Natural Stream
In this study, a tracer bacteria was used to investigate the resuspension and persistence of
sediment‐associated bacteria in a small alluvial stream. The study was conducted in Swan …
sediment‐associated bacteria in a small alluvial stream. The study was conducted in Swan …
Impact of urbanization and agriculture on the occurrence of bacterial pathogens and stx genes in coastal waterbodies of central California
Fecal pollution enters coastal waters through multiple routes, many of which originate from
land-based activities. Runoff from pervious and impervious land surfaces transports …
land-based activities. Runoff from pervious and impervious land surfaces transports …
Catchment microbial dynamics: the emergence of a research agenda
D Kay, AC Edwards, RC Ferrier… - Progress in …, 2007 - journals.sagepub.com
Parallel policy developments driven in the USA by the Clean Water Act and in Europe by the
Water Framework Directive have focused attention on the need for quantitative information …
Water Framework Directive have focused attention on the need for quantitative information …
Evidence for occurrence, persistence, and growth potential of Escherichia coli and enterococci in Hawaii's soil environments
MN Byappanahalli, BM Roll… - Microbes and …, 2012 - jstage.jst.go.jp
High densities of Escherichia coli and enterococci are common in freshwaters on Oahu and
other Hawaiian Islands. Soil along stream banks has long been suspected as the likely …
other Hawaiian Islands. Soil along stream banks has long been suspected as the likely …
Sensitivity of DEM, slope, aspect and watershed attributes to LiDAR measurement uncertainty
Abstract Knowledge of LiDAR measurement uncertainty and its propagation into derived
geospatial products is important for conscientious application of LiDAR products to …
geospatial products is important for conscientious application of LiDAR products to …
Population dynamics of Escherichia coli inoculated by irrigation into the phyllosphere of spinach grown under commercial production conditions
Recent outbreaks of food-borne illnesses associated with the consumption of fresh produce
have increased attention on irrigation water as a potential source of pathogen …
have increased attention on irrigation water as a potential source of pathogen …
Modeling sediment and nitrogen export from a rural watershed in Eastern Canada using the soil and water assessment tool
HM Nafees Ahmad, A Sinclair… - Journal of …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Watershed simulation models can be used to assess agricultural nonpoint‐source pollution
and for environmental planning and improvement projects. However, before application of …
and for environmental planning and improvement projects. However, before application of …
The impact of agricultural best management practices on downstream systems: Soil loss and nutrient chemistry and flux to Conesus Lake, New York, USA
Six small, predominantly agricultural (> 70%) watersheds in the Conesus Lake catchment of
New York State, USA, were selected to test the impact of Best Management Practices …
New York State, USA, were selected to test the impact of Best Management Practices …