Controlling soil-transmitted helminthiasis in pre-school-age children through preventive chemotherapy

M Albonico, H Allen, L Chitsulo, D Engels… - PLoS neglected …, 2008 -
Pre-school age children account for 10%–20% of the 2 billion people worldwide who are
infected with soil-transmitted helminths (STHs): Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm), Trichuris …

[CARTE][B] Textbook of pediatric infectious diseases: Volume 2.

RD Feigin, JD Cherry - 1998 -
This text, the second of 2 volumes comprising contributions from 224 individuals in 10
countries, discusses infectious diseases of childhood according to specific microorganisms …

[PDF][PDF] A deficiência de vitamina A no Brasil: um panorama

WA Souza, OMGC Vilas Boas - Revista Panamericana de …, 2002 - SciELO Public Health
A deficiência prolongada de vitamina A pode causar uma grave doença carencial, a
hipovitaminose A, que pode, por sua vez, acarretar xeroftalmia e cegueira. Embora possa …

[CARTE][B] Vitamins

W Friedrich - 2013 -
Page 1 Wilhelm Friedrich Vitamins Page 2 Cover illustration Vitamin B₁ Thiamin hydrochloride
With kind permission of Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Grenzach-Wyhlen Page 3 Wilhelm Friedrich …

A cross-sectional study of water, sanitation, and hygiene-related risk factors for soil-transmitted helminth infection in urban school-and preschool-aged children in …

CM Worrell, RE Wiegand, SM Davis, KO Odero… - PloS one, 2016 -
Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections affect persons living in areas with poor water,
sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Preschool-aged children (PSAC) and school-aged children …

[HTML][HTML] Water-miscible, emulsified, and solid forms of retinol supplements are more toxic than oil-based preparations

AM Myhre, MH Carlsen, SK Bøhn, HL Wold… - The American journal of …, 2003 - Elsevier
Background It is well established that an excessive intake of retinol (vitamin A) is toxic;
however, it has been> 25 y since the last extensive treatise of case reports on this subject …

Ascaris Larval Infection and Lung Invasion Directly Induce Severe Allergic Airway Disease in Mice

JE Weatherhead, P Porter, A Coffey… - Infection and …, 2018 -
Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm) is the most common helminth infection globally and a
cause of lifelong morbidity that may include allergic airway disease, an asthma phenotype …

Malabsorption of water miscible vitamin A in children with giardiasis and ascariasis

D Mahalanabis, TW Simpson, ML Chakraborty… - The American Journal of …, 1979 - Elsevier
Vitamin A absorption was studied using a water-miscible oral preparation of vitamin A in 19
children ages 1½ to 9 years old with giardiasis and/or ascariasis, both before and after their …

[HTML][HTML] Multi-micronutrient–fortified biscuits decreased prevalence of anemia and improved micronutrient status and effectiveness of deworming in rural Vietnamese …

TT Nga, P Winichagoon, MA Dijkhuizen, NC Khan… - The Journal of …, 2009 - Elsevier
Concurrent micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent among Vietnamese school children. A
school-based program providing food fortified with multiple micronutrients could be a cost …

Contributions of ascariasis to poor nutritional status in children from Chiriqui Province, Republic of Panama

DL Taren, MC Nesheim, DWT Crompton, CV Holland… - Parasitology, 1987 -
Relationships between ascariasis and lactose digestion and between ascariasis and food
transit time from mouth to caecum were investigated in young children from Chiriqui …