Soil structure and microbiome functions in agroecosystems
Soil microbiomes drive key functions in agroecosystems, determining soil fertility, crop
productivity and stress tolerance. The microbiome is intricately linked with soil structure …
productivity and stress tolerance. The microbiome is intricately linked with soil structure …
Forest microbiome and global change
Forests influence climate and mitigate global change through the storage of carbon in soils.
In turn, these complex ecosystems face important challenges, including increases in carbon …
In turn, these complex ecosystems face important challenges, including increases in carbon …
Erosion reduces soil microbial diversity, network complexity and multifunctionality
While soil erosion drives land degradation, the impact of erosion on soil microbial
communities and multiple soil functions remains unclear. This hinders our ability to assess …
communities and multiple soil functions remains unclear. This hinders our ability to assess …
Feeding habits and multifunctional classification of soil‐associated consumers from protists to vertebrates
Soil organisms drive major ecosystem functions by mineralising carbon and releasing
nutrients during decomposition processes, which supports plant growth, aboveground …
nutrients during decomposition processes, which supports plant growth, aboveground …
The contribution of insects to global forest deadwood decomposition
The amount of carbon stored in deadwood is equivalent to about 8 per cent of the global
forest carbon stocks. The decomposition of deadwood is largely governed by climate,,–with …
forest carbon stocks. The decomposition of deadwood is largely governed by climate,,–with …
Soil microbiomes and climate change
The soil microbiome governs biogeochemical cycling of macronutrients, micronutrients and
other elements vital for the growth of plants and animal life. Understanding and predicting …
other elements vital for the growth of plants and animal life. Understanding and predicting …
[PDF][PDF] Land–climate interactions
ÉL Davin - 2022 - boris.unibe.ch
Executive summary Land and climate interact in complex ways through changes in forcing
and multiple biophysical and biogeochemical feedbacks across different spatial and …
and multiple biophysical and biogeochemical feedbacks across different spatial and …
Global effects on soil respiration and its temperature sensitivity depend on nitrogen addition rate
Soil respiration (Rs) plays a crucial role in regulating carbon (C) cycling in terrestrial
ecosystems and the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2) concentration. However, the impact …
ecosystems and the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2) concentration. However, the impact …
The global soil community and its influence on biogeochemistry
BACKGROUND Soil is the largest repository of organic matter on land, storing~ 1500 Gt
carbon, which is at least as much as the vegetation (~ 560 Gt) and atmosphere (~ 750 Gt) …
carbon, which is at least as much as the vegetation (~ 560 Gt) and atmosphere (~ 750 Gt) …
Negative effects of multiple global change factors on soil microbial diversity
Soil microbial diversity is one of the key factors affecting the structure and function of the
belowground ecosystem; yet, little is known about the response of microbial diversity to …
belowground ecosystem; yet, little is known about the response of microbial diversity to …