Blind Schnorr signatures and signed ElGamal encryption in the algebraic group model

G Fuchsbauer, A Plouviez, Y Seurin - … on the Theory and Applications of …, 2020‏ - Springer
The Schnorr blind signing protocol allows blind issuing of Schnorr signatures, one of the
most widely used signatures. Despite its practical relevance, its security analysis is …

On the security of two-round multi-signatures

M Drijvers, K Edalatnejad, B Ford, E Kiltz… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2019‏ -
A multi-signature scheme allows a group of signers to collaboratively sign a message,
creating a single signature that convinces a verifier that every individual signer approved the …

Snowblind: A threshold blind signature in pairing-free groups

E Crites, C Komlo, M Maller, S Tessaro… - Annual International …, 2023‏ - Springer
Both threshold and blind signatures have, individually, received a considerable amount of
attention. However little is known about their combination, ie, a threshold signature which is …

Anonymous credentials light

F Baldimtsi, A Lysyanskaya - Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC …, 2013‏ -
We define and propose an efficient and provably secure construction of blind signatures with
attributes. Prior notions of blind signatures did not yield themselves to the construction of …

A new framework for more efficient round-optimal lattice-based (partially) blind signature via trapdoor sampling

R del Pino, S Katsumata - Annual International Cryptology Conference, 2022‏ - Springer
Blind signatures, proposed by Chaum (CRYPTO'82), are interactive protocols between a
signer and a user, where a user can obtain a signature without revealing the message to be …

Lattice-based blind signatures, revisited

E Hauck, E Kiltz, J Loss, NK Nguyen - Annual International Cryptology …, 2020‏ - Springer
We observe that all previously known lattice-based blind signature schemes contain subtle
flaws in their security proofs (eg, Rückert, ASIACRYPT'08) or can be attacked (eg, BLAZE by …

On the impossibility of tight cryptographic reductions

C Bader, T Jager, Y Li, S Schäge - … on the Theory and Applications of …, 2016‏ - Springer
The existence of tight reductions in cryptographic security proofs is an important question,
motivated by the theoretical search for cryptosystems whose security guarantees are truly …

On pairing-free blind signature schemes in the algebraic group model

J Kastner, J Loss, J Xu - IACR International Conference on Public-Key …, 2022‏ - Springer
Studying the security and efficiency of blind signatures is an important goal for privacy
sensitive applications. In particular, for large-scale settings (eg, cryptocurrency tumblers), it …

A modular treatment of blind signatures from identification schemes

E Hauck, E Kiltz, J Loss - … in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2019: 38th Annual …, 2019‏ - Springer
We propose a modular security treatment of blind signatures derived from linear
identification schemes in the random oracle model. To this end, we present a general …

Practical round-optimal blind signatures in the standard model

G Fuchsbauer, C Hanser, D Slamanig - Annual Cryptology Conference, 2015‏ - Springer
Round-optimal blind signatures are notoriously hard to construct in the standard model,
especially in the malicious-signer model, where blindness must hold under adversarially …