[HTML][HTML] A review of practical models of sand transport in the swash zone
The swash zone largely influences nearshore hydrodynamics and morphodynamics through
dissipating or reflecting wave energy and controlling whether sediment will be stored on the …
dissipating or reflecting wave energy and controlling whether sediment will be stored on the …
Uncertainty in runup predictions on natural beaches using XBeach nonhydrostatic
The wave time series that forces phase-resolving models is a source of model uncertainty
that can propagate into wave runup predictions when the wave phase information is …
that can propagate into wave runup predictions when the wave phase information is …
Beach profile changes induced by surrogate Posidonia Oceanica: Laboratory experiments
New flume experiments with surrogate seagrass meadows are presented. The experiments
included the creation of a full-scale and realistic Posidonia Oceanica model to evaluate the …
included the creation of a full-scale and realistic Posidonia Oceanica model to evaluate the …
Numerical modeling of flow and bed evolution of bichromatic wave groups on an intermediate beach using nonhydrostatic XBeach
This paper analyzes the modeling of the hydro-and morphodynamics of bichromatic wave
groups on an intermediate beach with an initial 1∶ 15 slope. The nonhydrostatic version of …
groups on an intermediate beach with an initial 1∶ 15 slope. The nonhydrostatic version of …
Influence of storm sequencing on breaker bar and shoreline evolution in large-scale experiments
New large-scale experiments on the influence of storm sequencing on beach profile
evolution are presented. The experiments comprised three sequences that commenced from …
evolution are presented. The experiments comprised three sequences that commenced from …
Sand transport processes and bed level changes induced by two alternating laboratory swash events
Sand transport processes and net transport rates are studied in a large-scale laboratory
swash zone. Bichromatic waves with a phase modulation were generated, producing two …
swash zone. Bichromatic waves with a phase modulation were generated, producing two …
[HTML][HTML] Model of bores interaction in the swash
This paper examines the impact of wave interactions in the inner-surf zone, including the
swash, on shoreline excursion dynamics. Specifically, the study focuses on how the time lag …
swash, on shoreline excursion dynamics. Specifically, the study focuses on how the time lag …
[HTML][HTML] Bar and berm dynamics during transition from dissipative to reflective beach profile
Bar and berm morphology characterize the seasonal beach evolution, and determine the
protection against storm erosion as well as the touristic use of beaches. Thus, they are of …
protection against storm erosion as well as the touristic use of beaches. Thus, they are of …
[HTML][HTML] Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport Under Solitary Waves in the Swash Zone
Swash–swash interaction is a common natural phenomenon in the nearshore region,
characterized by complex fluid motion. The characteristics of swash–swash interaction are …
characterized by complex fluid motion. The characteristics of swash–swash interaction are …
Hydrodynamics and sediment transport under a dam-break-driven swash: An experimental study
An experimental study is presented consisting of swash zone hydrodynamics, sediment
transport flux estimates, and bed changes under a single dam-break-driven swash event …
transport flux estimates, and bed changes under a single dam-break-driven swash event …