Evaluating the neurophysiological evidence for predictive processing as a model of perception
For many years, the dominant theoretical framework guiding research into the neural origins
of perceptual experience has been provided by hierarchical feedforward models, in which …
of perceptual experience has been provided by hierarchical feedforward models, in which …
Rhythms for cognition: communication through coherence
I propose that synchronization affects communication between neuronal groups. Gamma-
band (30–90 Hz) synchronization modulates excitation rapidly enough that it escapes the …
band (30–90 Hz) synchronization modulates excitation rapidly enough that it escapes the …
Does predictive coding have a future?
In the 20th century we thought the brain extracted knowledge from sensations. The 21st
century witnessed a 'strange inversion', in which the brain became an organ of inference …
century witnessed a 'strange inversion', in which the brain became an organ of inference …
The empirical status of predictive coding and active inference
Research on predictive processing models has focused largely on two specific algorithmic
theories: Predictive Coding for perception and Active Inference for decision-making. While …
theories: Predictive Coding for perception and Active Inference for decision-making. While …
Alpha-beta and gamma rhythms subserve feedback and feedforward influences among human visual cortical areas
Primate visual cortex is hierarchically organized. Bottom-up and top-down influences are
exerted through distinct frequency channels, as was recently revealed in macaques by …
exerted through distinct frequency channels, as was recently revealed in macaques by …
[HTML][HTML] Great expectations: is there evidence for predictive coding in auditory cortex?
Predictive coding is possibly one of the most influential, comprehensive, and controversial
theories of neural function. While proponents praise its explanatory potential, critics object …
theories of neural function. While proponents praise its explanatory potential, critics object …
Visual areas exert feedforward and feedback influences through distinct frequency channels
Visual cortical areas subserve cognitive functions by interacting in both feedforward and
feedback directions. While feedforward influences convey sensory signals, feedback …
feedback directions. While feedforward influences convey sensory signals, feedback …
The neural oscillations of speech processing and language comprehension: state of the art and emerging mechanisms
Neural oscillations subserve a broad range of functions in speech processing and language
comprehension. On the one hand, speech contains—somewhat—repetitive trains of air …
comprehension. On the one hand, speech contains—somewhat—repetitive trains of air …
Canonical microcircuits for predictive coding
This Perspective considers the influential notion of a canonical (cortical) microcircuit in light
of recent theories about neuronal processing. Specifically, we conciliate quantitative studies …
of recent theories about neuronal processing. Specifically, we conciliate quantitative studies …
Precise minds in uncertain worlds: predictive coding in autism.
There have been numerous attempts to explain the enigma of autism, but existing
neurocognitive theories often provide merely a refined description of 1 cluster of symptoms …
neurocognitive theories often provide merely a refined description of 1 cluster of symptoms …