Adaptive optics for astronomy

R Davies, M Kasper - Annual Review of Astronomy and …, 2012 -
Adaptive optics is a prime example of how progress in observational astronomy can be
driven by technological developments. At many observatories it is now considered to be part …

Exoplanet detection methods

JT Wright, BS Gaudi - arxiv preprint arxiv:1210.2471, 2012 -
This chapter reviews various methods of detecting planetary companions to stars from an
observational perspective, focusing on radial velocities, astrometry, direct imaging, transits …

PYNPOINT: an image processing package for finding exoplanets

A Amara, SP Quanz - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical …, 2012 -
We present the scientific performance results of pynpoint, our Python-based software
package that uses principal component analysis to detect and estimate the flux of …

Photometric characterization of exoplanets using angular and spectral differential imaging

A Vigan, C Moutou, M Langlois, F Allard… - Monthly Notices of …, 2010 -
In recent years, there has been intensive research into the direct detection of exoplanets.
Data obtained in the future with high-contrast imaging instruments, optimized for the direct …

Water clouds in Y dwarfs and exoplanets

CV Morley, MS Marley, JJ Fortney, R Lupu… - The Astrophysical …, 2014 -
The formation of clouds affects brown dwarf and planetary atmospheres of nearly all
effective temperatures. Iron and silicate condense in L dwarf atmospheres and dissipate at …

The infra-red dual imaging and spectrograph for SPHERE: design and performance

K Dohlen, M Langlois, M Saisse, L Hill… - Ground-based and …, 2008 -
The SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research) planet finder
instrument for ESO's VLT telescope, scheduled for first light in 2011, aims to detect giant …

Performance of the VLT Planet Finder SPHERE-II. Data analysis and results for IFS in laboratory

D Mesa, R Gratton, A Zurlo, A Vigan, RU Claudi… - Astronomy & …, 2015 -
Aims. We present the performance of the Integral Field Spectrograph (IFS) of SPHERE, the
high-contrast imager for the ESO VLT telescope designed to perform imaging and …

Direct detection of exoplanets in the 3–10 μm range with E-ELT/METIS

SP Quanz, I Crossfield, MR Meyer… - International Journal of …, 2015 -
We quantify the scientific potential for exoplanet imaging with the mid-infrared E-ELT Imager
and Spectrograph (METIS) foreseen as one of the instruments of the European Extremely …

Review of small-angle coronagraphic techniques in the wake of ground-based second-generation adaptive optics systems

D Mawet, L Pueyo, P Lawson… - Space Telescopes …, 2012 -
Small-angle coronagraphy is technically and scientifically appealing because it enables the
use of smaller telescopes, allows covering wider wavelength ranges, and potentially …

Spectropolarimetric signatures of Earth-like extrasolar planets

DM Stam - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2008 -
We present results of numerical simulations of flux F and degree of polarization P of light that
is reflected by Earth–like extrasolar planets orbiting solar type stars. Our results are …