[PDF][PDF] Fast image watermarking based on signum of cosine matrix
In the field of image watermarking, the singular value decomposition has good
imperceptibility and robustness, but it has high complexity. It divides a host image into …
imperceptibility and robustness, but it has high complexity. It divides a host image into …
Fusion iris and periocular recognitions in non-cooperative environment
The performance of iris recognition in non-cooperative environment can be negatively
impacted when the resolution of the iris images is low which results in failure to determine …
impacted when the resolution of the iris images is low which results in failure to determine …
Performance comparison of spatial domain-based watermarking techniques
Reversible watermarking is one of the main methods to authenticate and secure digital
media security and revert to its original state without any losses. There are multiple …
media security and revert to its original state without any losses. There are multiple …
An image watermarking based on multi-level authentication for quick response code
This research presented a digital watermarking scheme using multi-level authentication for
protecting QR code images in order to provide security and authenticity. This research …
protecting QR code images in order to provide security and authenticity. This research …
Hilbert-Peano and Zigzag: Two Approaches Map** Pattern of Digital Watermarking for Text Images Authentication
The wide increment of information and communication technology nowadays in line with the
usage of digital documents, the user from different organizations such as education, military …
usage of digital documents, the user from different organizations such as education, military …
Reversible Face Watermarking Scheme using Hash Function for Tamper Localization and Recovery
Recently, since digital cameras are widely used, face recognition has attracted great
attention. Face recognition has been used in different fields which are airport security …
attention. Face recognition has been used in different fields which are airport security …
Watermarking Scheme based on Chinese Remainder Theorem and Integer Wavelet Filters for Copyright Protection
The development of image watermarking schemes has grown rapidly especially in non-
block watermarking. However, non-block watermarking produced less robustness against …
block watermarking. However, non-block watermarking produced less robustness against …
Analysis on Texture and Colour Based Features of Periocular for Low Resolution Colour Iris Images
The low resolution iris images in non-cooperative environment has resultant in failure to
determine the eye center, limbic and pupillary boundary of the iris segmentation. Hence, a …
determine the eye center, limbic and pupillary boundary of the iris segmentation. Hence, a …