Hexagonal Manganites—(RMnO3): Class (I) Multiferroics with Strong Coupling of Magnetism and Ferroelectricity
B Lorenz - International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Hexagonal manganites belong to an exciting class of materials exhibiting strong interactions
between a highly frustrated magnetic system, the ferroelectric polarization, and the lattice …
between a highly frustrated magnetic system, the ferroelectric polarization, and the lattice …
A brief review on magnetoelectric multiferroic oxides
Magnetoelectric multiferroics, where a ferromagnetic and a ferroelectric order coexist and
are coupled in a single phase, have been a hot topic in condensed matter physics for a long …
are coupled in a single phase, have been a hot topic in condensed matter physics for a long …
Magnetism driven ferroelectricity above liquid nitrogen temperature in Y2CoMnO6
We report multiferroic behaviour in double perovskite Y 2 CoMnO 6 with ferroelectric
transition temperature T c= 80 K. Both X-ray diffraction and neutron scattering data confirm a …
transition temperature T c= 80 K. Both X-ray diffraction and neutron scattering data confirm a …
Low field magnetoelectric studies on sol–gel grown nanostructured YMnO3 manganites
Single phasic nanostructured YMnO 3 manganites were successfully synthesized by
employing acetate precursor based modified sol–gel technique followed by their sintering at …
employing acetate precursor based modified sol–gel technique followed by their sintering at …
Defect dynamics in the resistive switching characteristics of Y0. 95Sr0. 05MnO3 films induced by electronic excitations
We understand the role of defect dynamics on the resistive switching (RS) characteristics of
pulsed laser deposition (PLD) grown Y 0.95 Sr 0.05 MnO 3 (YSMO) manganite films on the …
pulsed laser deposition (PLD) grown Y 0.95 Sr 0.05 MnO 3 (YSMO) manganite films on the …
Defects induced resistive switching behavior in Ca doped YMnO3–based non–volatile memory devices through electronic excitations
Defect induced structural, microstructural, resistive switching (RS) characteristics and related
responsible charge conduction mechanisms of Y 0· 95 Ca 0· 05 MnO 3 (YCMO) manganite …
responsible charge conduction mechanisms of Y 0· 95 Ca 0· 05 MnO 3 (YCMO) manganite …
Grain boundary-dominated electrical conduction and anomalous optical-phonon behaviour near the Neel temperature in YFeO3 ceramics
We investigated the anomalous behaviour in the dielectric properties, occurring nearly at
room temperature and at elevated temperatures (near the Neel temperature TN) of the …
room temperature and at elevated temperatures (near the Neel temperature TN) of the …
Effect of 200 MeV Ag+ 15 ion irradiation on structural, microstructural and dielectric properties of Y0· 95Sr0· 05MnO3 manganite films
In this communication, we report the dielectric response of pulsed laser deposition (PLD)
grown Y 0· 95 Sr 0· 05 MnO 3 (YSMO) manganite thin films (having two different thickness …
grown Y 0· 95 Sr 0· 05 MnO 3 (YSMO) manganite thin films (having two different thickness …
Influence of the triangular Mn-O breathing mode on magnetic ordering in multiferroic hexagonal manganites
We use a combination of symmetry analysis, phenomenological modeling, and first-
principles density functional theory to explore the interplay between the magnetic ground …
principles density functional theory to explore the interplay between the magnetic ground …
Expansion of the Hexagonal Phase-Forming Region of Lu1–xScxFeO3 by Containerless Processing
A Masuno, A Ishimoto, C Moriyoshi, H Kawaji… - Inorganic …, 2015 - ACS Publications
Hexagonal Lu1–x Sc x FeO3 (0≤ x≤ 0.8) was directly solidified from an undercooled melt
by containerless processing with an aerodynamic levitation furnace. The hexagonal phase …
by containerless processing with an aerodynamic levitation furnace. The hexagonal phase …