Hexagonal Manganites—(RMnO3): Class (I) Multiferroics with Strong Coupling of Magnetism and Ferroelectricity

B Lorenz - International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013‏ - Wiley Online Library
Hexagonal manganites belong to an exciting class of materials exhibiting strong interactions
between a highly frustrated magnetic system, the ferroelectric polarization, and the lattice …

A brief review on magnetoelectric multiferroic oxides

JH Cho, W Jo - Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and …, 2021‏ - koreascience.kr
Magnetoelectric multiferroics, where a ferromagnetic and a ferroelectric order coexist and
are coupled in a single phase, have been a hot topic in condensed matter physics for a long …

Magnetism driven ferroelectricity above liquid nitrogen temperature in Y2CoMnO6

G Sharma, J Saha, SD Kaushik, V Siruguri… - Applied Physics …, 2013‏ - pubs.aip.org
We report multiferroic behaviour in double perovskite Y 2 CoMnO 6 with ferroelectric
transition temperature T c= 80 K. Both X-ray diffraction and neutron scattering data confirm a …

Low field magnetoelectric studies on sol–gel grown nanostructured YMnO3 manganites

Z Joshi, D Dhruv, KN Rathod, H Boricha… - Progress in Solid State …, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Single phasic nanostructured YMnO 3 manganites were successfully synthesized by
employing acetate precursor based modified sol–gel technique followed by their sintering at …

Defect dynamics in the resistive switching characteristics of Y0. 95Sr0. 05MnO3 films induced by electronic excitations

K Gadani, KN Rathod, D Dhruv, H Boricha… - Journal of Alloys and …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
We understand the role of defect dynamics on the resistive switching (RS) characteristics of
pulsed laser deposition (PLD) grown Y 0.95 Sr 0.05 MnO 3 (YSMO) manganite films on the …

Defects induced resistive switching behavior in Ca doped YMnO3–based non–volatile memory devices through electronic excitations

K Gadani, KN Rathod, D Dhruv, VG Shrimali… - Materials Science in …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Defect induced structural, microstructural, resistive switching (RS) characteristics and related
responsible charge conduction mechanisms of Y 0· 95 Ca 0· 05 MnO 3 (YCMO) manganite …

Grain boundary-dominated electrical conduction and anomalous optical-phonon behaviour near the Neel temperature in YFeO3 ceramics

S Raut, PD Babu, RK Sharma, R Pattanayak… - Journal of Applied …, 2018‏ - pubs.aip.org
We investigated the anomalous behaviour in the dielectric properties, occurring nearly at
room temperature and at elevated temperatures (near the Neel temperature TN) of the …

Effect of 200 MeV Ag+ 15 ion irradiation on structural, microstructural and dielectric properties of Y0· 95Sr0· 05MnO3 manganite films

K Gadani, KN Rathod, VG Shrimali, B Rajyaguru… - Solid State …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
In this communication, we report the dielectric response of pulsed laser deposition (PLD)
grown Y 0· 95 Sr 0· 05 MnO 3 (YSMO) manganite thin films (having two different thickness …

Influence of the triangular Mn-O breathing mode on magnetic ordering in multiferroic hexagonal manganites

TN Tošić, QN Meier, NA Spaldin - Physical Review Research, 2022‏ - APS
We use a combination of symmetry analysis, phenomenological modeling, and first-
principles density functional theory to explore the interplay between the magnetic ground …

Expansion of the Hexagonal Phase-Forming Region of Lu1–xScxFeO3 by Containerless Processing

A Masuno, A Ishimoto, C Moriyoshi, H Kawaji… - Inorganic …, 2015‏ - ACS Publications
Hexagonal Lu1–x Sc x FeO3 (0≤ x≤ 0.8) was directly solidified from an undercooled melt
by containerless processing with an aerodynamic levitation furnace. The hexagonal phase …