Data-centric artificial intelligence: A survey
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making a profound impact in almost every domain. A vital enabler
of its great success is the availability of abundant and high-quality data for building machine …
of its great success is the availability of abundant and high-quality data for building machine …
Boundary-enhanced co-training for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
The existing weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) methods pay much
attention to generating accurate and complete class activation maps (CAMs) as pseudo …
attention to generating accurate and complete class activation maps (CAMs) as pseudo …
Combating noisy labels with sample selection by mining high-discrepancy examples
The sample selection approach is popular in learning with noisy labels. The state-of-the-art
methods train two deep networks simultaneously for sample selection, which aims to employ …
methods train two deep networks simultaneously for sample selection, which aims to employ …
Instance-dependent noisy label learning via graphical modelling
Noisy labels are unavoidable yet troublesome in the ecosystem of deep learning because
models can easily overfit them. There are many types of label noise, such as symmetric …
models can easily overfit them. There are many types of label noise, such as symmetric …
To aggregate or not? learning with separate noisy labels
The rawly collected training data often comes with separate noisy labels collected from
multiple imperfect annotators (eg, via crowdsourcing). A typical way of using these separate …
multiple imperfect annotators (eg, via crowdsourcing). A typical way of using these separate …
Transferring annotator-and instance-dependent transition matrix for learning from crowds
Learning from crowds describes that the annotations of training data are obtained with
crowd-sourcing services. Multiple annotators each complete their own small part of the …
crowd-sourcing services. Multiple annotators each complete their own small part of the …
Beyond confusion matrix: learning from multiple annotators with awareness of instance features
Learning from multiple annotators aims to induce a high-quality classifier from training
instances, where each of them is associated with a set of observed labels provided by …
instances, where each of them is associated with a set of observed labels provided by …
Mitigating memorization of noisy labels via regularization between representations
Designing robust loss functions is popular in learning with noisy labels while existing
designs did not explicitly consider the overfitting property of deep neural networks (DNNs) …
designs did not explicitly consider the overfitting property of deep neural networks (DNNs) …
Graphcleaner: Detecting mislabelled samples in popular graph learning benchmarks
Label errors have been found to be prevalent in popular text, vision, and audio datasets,
which heavily influence the safe development and evaluation of machine learning …
which heavily influence the safe development and evaluation of machine learning …
FedFixer: Mitigating Heterogeneous Label Noise in Federated Learning
Federated Learning (FL) heavily depends on label quality for its performance. However, the
label distribution among individual clients is always both noisy and heterogeneous. The …
label distribution among individual clients is always both noisy and heterogeneous. The …