Anniversary article: Option pricing: Valuation models and applications

M Broadie, JB Detemple - Management science, 2004 -
This paper surveys the literature on option pricing from its origins to the present. An
extensive review of valuation methods for European-and American-style claims is provided …

Lectures on the Mathematics of Finance

I Karatzas - 1997 -
In this text, the author discusses the main aspects of mathematical finance. These include,
arbitrage, hedging and pricing of contingent claims, portfolio optimization, incomplete and/or …

Deep backward schemes for high-dimensional nonlinear PDEs

C Huré, H Pham, X Warin - Mathematics of Computation, 2020 -
We propose new machine learning schemes for solving high-dimensional nonlinear partial
differential equations (PDEs). Relying on the classical backward stochastic differential …

[KNYGA][B] Finite-dimensional variational inequalities and complementarity problems

F Facchinei, JS Pang - 2003 - Springer
Complementary to Chapter 11, the present chapter is devoted to the study of solution
methods for VIs that are of the monotone type and also for NCPs of the P 0 type. We already …

[KNYGA][B] Continuous-time stochastic control and optimization with financial applications

H Pham - 2009 -
Stochastic optimization problems arise in decision-making problems under uncertainty, and
find various applications in economics and finance. On the other hand, problems in finance …

[KNYGA][B] Methods of mathematical finance

I Karatzas, SE Shreve, I Karatzas, SE Shreve - 1998 - Springer
This book is intended for readers who are quite familiar with probability and stochastic
processes but know little or nothing about finance. It is written in the definition/theorem/proof …

[KNYGA][B] Dynamic asset pricing theory

D Duffie - 2010 -
This is a thoroughly updated edition of Dynamic Asset Pricing Theory, the standard text for
doctoral students and researchers on the theory of asset pricing and portfolio selection in …

[KNYGA][B] The mimetic finite difference method for elliptic problems

LB da Veiga, K Lipnikov, G Manzini - 2014 -
This book describes the theoretical and computational aspects of the mimetic finite
difference method for a wide class of multidimensional elliptic problems, which includes …

[KNYGA][B] Finite difference methods in financial engineering: a partial differential equation approach

DJ Duffy - 2013 -
The world of quantitative finance (QF) is one of the fastest growing areas of research and its
practical applications to derivatives pricing problem. Since the discovery of the famous Black …

[KNYGA][B] Martingale methods in financial modelling

M Musiela, M Rutkowski - 2006 -
In the 2nd edition some sections of Part I are omitted for better readability, and a brand new
chapter is devoted to volatility risk. As a consequence, hedging of plain-vanilla options and …