Laser-cooled molecules

NJ Fitch, MR Tarbutt - Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical Physics, 2021 - Elsevier
The last few years have seen rapid progress in the application of laser cooling to molecules.
In this review, we examine what kinds of molecules can be laser cooled, how to design a …

Polyatomic molecules as quantum sensors for fundamental physics

NR Hutzler - Quantum Science and Technology, 2020 -
Precision measurements in molecules have advanced rapidly in recent years through
developments in techniques to cool, trap, and control. The complexity of molecules makes …

Molecular asymmetry and optical cycling: laser cooling asymmetric top molecules

BL Augenbraun, JM Doyle, T Zelevinsky, I Kozyryev - Physical Review X, 2020 - APS
We present a practical roadmap to achieve optical cycling and laser cooling of asymmetric
top molecules (ATMs). Our theoretical analysis describes how reduced molecular symmetry …

Geometric control of collective spontaneous emission

Y He, L Ji, Y Wang, L Qiu, J Zhao, Y Ma, X Huang… - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
Dipole spin-wave states of atomic ensembles with wave vector k (ω) mismatched from the
dispersion relation of light are difficult to access by far-field excitation but may support rich …

Buffer-gas cooling, high-resolution spectroscopy, and optical cycling of barium monofluoride molecules

R Albrecht, M Scharwaechter, T Sixt, L Hofer, T Langen - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
We demonstrate buffer-gas cooling, high-resolution spectroscopy, and cycling fluorescence
of cold barium monofluoride (BaF) molecules. Our source produces an intense and …

Prospects for laser cooling of polyatomic molecules with increasing complexity

J Kłos, S Kotochigova - Physical Review Research, 2020 - APS
Optical cycling transitions and direct laser cooling have recently been demonstrated for a
number of alkaline-earth dimers and trimer molecules. This is made possible by diagonal …

Multivalent optical cycling centers: towards control of polyatomics with multi-electron degrees of freedom

P Yu, A Lopez, WA Goddard, NR Hutzler - … Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023 -
Optical control of polyatomic molecules promises new opportunities in precision metrology
and fundamental chemistry, as well as quantum information and many-body science …

Precise pulse sha** for quantum control of strong optical transitions

Y Ma, X Huang, X Wang, L Ji, Y He, L Qiu, J Zhao… - Optics …, 2020 -
Advances of quantum control technology have led to nearly perfect single-qubit control of
nuclear spins and atomic hyperfine ground states. In contrast, quantum control of strong …

Large molasses-like cooling forces for molecules using polychromatic optical fields: A theoretical description

K Wenz, I Kozyryev, RL McNally, L Aldridge… - Physical Review …, 2020 - APS
Recent theoretical investigations have indicated that rapid optical cycling should be feasible
in complex polyatomic molecules with diverse constituents, geometries, and symmetries …

Composite picosecond control of atomic states through a nanofiber interface

Y Ma, R Liu, L Ji, L Qiu, D Su, Y Zhao, N Yao… - Physical Review …, 2023 - APS
Atoms are ideal quantum sensors and quantum light emitters. Interfacing atoms with
nanophotonic devices promises nanoscale sensing and quantum optical functionalities. But …