[KNIHA][B] Childhood and society
M Wyness - 2019 - books.google.com
The new edition of this established core textbook continues to give an insightful,
authoritative and accessible overview of competing theoretical positions on the sociological …
authoritative and accessible overview of competing theoretical positions on the sociological …
Co** Behaviours and the concept of Time Poverty: a review of perceived social and health outcomes of food insecurity on women and children
Mounting concerns over food insecurity have emerged as a key agenda in many recent
global development dialogues, on accounts of observed and expected health outcomes …
global development dialogues, on accounts of observed and expected health outcomes …
[KNIHA][B] Globalization and families: Accelerated systemic social change
B Trask - 2009 - books.google.com
As our world becomes increasingly interconnected through economic integration,
technology, communication, and political transformation, the sphere of the family is a …
technology, communication, and political transformation, the sphere of the family is a …
Today's challenges for girls' education
E King, R Winthrop - Brookings Global Working Paper Series, 2015 - search.proquest.com
Despite large gains in girls' education over the last 25 years, today there are at least 80
countries where momentum has stalled. Elizabeth King and Rebecca Winthrop review in …
countries where momentum has stalled. Elizabeth King and Rebecca Winthrop review in …
[PDF][PDF] Youth vulnerabilities in life course transitions
A Hardgrove, K Pells, J Boyden… - UNDP Occasional Paper …, 2014 - academia.edu
This paper examines youth vulnerabilities, with a particular emphasis on low-and middle-
income countries. It touches on the challenges confronted by young people exposed to …
income countries. It touches on the challenges confronted by young people exposed to …
Ten years of “Q-Squared”: Implications for understanding and explaining poverty
P Shaffer - World Development, 2013 - Elsevier
Over the past decade, there have been a number of initiatives to promote a more systematic
integration of “quantitative” and “qualitative,” or “Q-Squared,” approaches to poverty analysis …
integration of “quantitative” and “qualitative,” or “Q-Squared,” approaches to poverty analysis …
Childhood, culture and society: In a global context
M Wyness - 2018 - torrossa.com
In this book we explore the nature of contemporary childhood and the social and cultural
contexts within which we find children. In doing so we are also examining the political …
contexts within which we find children. In doing so we are also examining the political …
Türkiye'de Çocuk Yoksulluğu: Gaziantep Üzerine Bir Araştirma
Çocuklar hanede var olan yoksulluktan en fazla etkilenen gruplar arasındadır. Yoksulluk
içinde büyüyen çocuklar, sağlık, beslenme, eğitim gibi haklarını tam olarak kullanamamakta …
içinde büyüyen çocuklar, sağlık, beslenme, eğitim gibi haklarını tam olarak kullanamamakta …
Explaining the rural-urban learning achievements gap in Ethiopian primary education: a re-centered influence function decomposition using Young Lives data
The rural-urban learning achievements gap is a persistent issue to be addressed from a
different approach. This study employed re-centered influence function decomposition with …
different approach. This study employed re-centered influence function decomposition with …
[PDF][PDF] Factors affecting the performance of micro and small enterprises in Arada and Lideta Sub-Cities, Addis Ababa
A Abera - MBA Thesis unpublished, School of Graduate Studies …, 2012 - academia.edu
This research aims to investigate factors affecting the performance of MSEs with a special
emphasizes on textile and garment, food processing and wood and metal work sectors in …
emphasizes on textile and garment, food processing and wood and metal work sectors in …