[HTML][HTML] Cretaceous sea-surface temperature evolution: Constraints from TEX86 and planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes
It is well established that greenhouse conditions prevailed during the Cretaceous Period (~
145–66 Ma). Determining the exact nature of the greenhouse-gas forcing, climatic warming …
145–66 Ma). Determining the exact nature of the greenhouse-gas forcing, climatic warming …
Paleomagnetic constraints on the paleogeography of the East Asian blocks during Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic times
Although the axial and dominant geocentric character of the Earth's magnetic field means
that paleolongitude is indeterminate, paleomagnetism is otherwise the only truly quantitative …
that paleolongitude is indeterminate, paleomagnetism is otherwise the only truly quantitative …
[HTML][HTML] Enhanced ocean oxygenation during Cenozoic warm periods
Dissolved oxygen (O2) is essential for most ocean ecosystems, fuelling organisms'
respiration and facilitating the cycling of carbon and nutrients. Oxygen measurements have …
respiration and facilitating the cycling of carbon and nutrients. Oxygen measurements have …
[HTML][HTML] The Eocene–Oligocene transition: a review of marine and terrestrial proxy data, models and model–data comparisons
Abstract The Eocene–Oligocene transition (EOT) was a climate shift from a largely ice-free
greenhouse world to an icehouse climate, involving the first major glaciation of Antarctica …
greenhouse world to an icehouse climate, involving the first major glaciation of Antarctica …
Reconciling fossils with phylogenies reveals the origin and macroevolutionary processes explaining the global cycad biodiversity
The determinants of biodiversity patterns can be understood using macroevolutionary
analyses. The integration of fossils into phylogenies offers a deeper understanding of …
analyses. The integration of fossils into phylogenies offers a deeper understanding of …
[HTML][HTML] The DeepMIP contribution to PMIP4: Methodologies for selection, compilation and analysis of latest Paleocene and early Eocene climate proxy data …
The early Eocene (56 to 48 million years ago) is inferred to have been the most recent time
that Earth's atmospheric CO 2 concentrations exceeded 1000 ppm. Global mean …
that Earth's atmospheric CO 2 concentrations exceeded 1000 ppm. Global mean …
Paleomagnetism. org: An online multi-platform open source environment for paleomagnetic data analysis
MR Koymans, CG Langereis, D Pastor-Galán… - 2016 - Elsevier
This contribution provides an overview of Paleomagnetism. org, an open-source, multi-
platform online environment for paleomagnetic data analysis. Paleomagnetism. org provides …
platform online environment for paleomagnetic data analysis. Paleomagnetism. org provides …
A high‐Fidelity benthic stable isotope record of late Cretaceous–early Eocene climate change and carbon‐cycling
Abstract The Late Cretaceous–Early Paleogene is the most recent period in Earth history
that experienced sustained global greenhouse warmth on multimillion year timescales. Yet …
that experienced sustained global greenhouse warmth on multimillion year timescales. Yet …
Eocene greenhouse climate revealed by coupled clumped isotope-Mg/Ca thermometry
Past greenhouse periods with elevated atmospheric CO2 were characterized by globally
warmer sea-surface temperatures (SST). However, the extent to which the high latitudes …
warmer sea-surface temperatures (SST). However, the extent to which the high latitudes …
The Cretaceous world: plate tectonics, palaeogeography and palaeoclimate
The tectonics, geography and climate of the Cretaceous world were very different from the
modern world. At the start of the Cretaceous, the supercontinent of Pangaea had just begun …
modern world. At the start of the Cretaceous, the supercontinent of Pangaea had just begun …