Challenges and research directions in agent-oriented software engineering
Agent-based computing is a promising approach for develo** applications in complex
domains. However, despite the great deal of research in the area, a number of challenges …
domains. However, despite the great deal of research in the area, a number of challenges …
[КНИГА][B] Develo** intelligent agent systems: A practical guide
L Padgham, M Winikoff - 2005 - books.google.com
Build your own intelligent agent system... Intelligent agent technology is a tool of modern
computer science that can be used to engineer complex computer programmes that behave …
computer science that can be used to engineer complex computer programmes that behave …
[КНИГА][B] Multi-agent programming
Agent technology currently plays an important role in complex software development. The
underlying paradigm offers a large repertoire of original concepts, architectures, interaction …
underlying paradigm offers a large repertoire of original concepts, architectures, interaction …
[КНИГА][B] Multiagent systems for manufacturing control: a design methodology
S Bussmann, N Jennings, MJ Wooldridge… - 2004 - Springer
The ability of production companies to rapidly develop and deploy effective and efficient
control systems is critical for success in the consumer-driven environment of contemporary …
control systems is critical for success in the consumer-driven environment of contemporary …
JACK™ intelligent agents: an industrial strength platform
M Winikoff - Multi-agent programming: Languages, platforms and …, 2005 - Springer
Software agents offer a range of benefits to the development of complex software systems.
However, before these benefits can be realised by the computing industry there is a need for …
However, before these benefits can be realised by the computing industry there is a need for …
FAML: a generic metamodel for MAS development
In some areas of software engineering research, there are several metamodels claiming to
capture the main issues. Though it is profitable to have variety at the beginning of a research …
capture the main issues. Though it is profitable to have variety at the beginning of a research …
Comparing agent-oriented methodologies
Numerous methodologies for develo** agent-based systems have been proposed in the
literature. However, their application is still limited due to their lack of maturity. Evaluating …
literature. However, their application is still limited due to their lack of maturity. Evaluating …
A framework for evaluating agent-oriented methodologies
Multiple agent-oriented methodologies has been introduced in recent years, although only
partial evaluations of these have been offered. As a result, it is difficult to select a …
partial evaluations of these have been offered. As a result, it is difficult to select a …
Evaluation of agent–oriented software methodologies–examination of the gap between modeling and platform
More and more effort is made to provide methodologies for the development of agent–based
systems. Awareness has grown that these are necessary to develop high quality agent …
systems. Awareness has grown that these are necessary to develop high quality agent …
MOBMAS: A methodology for ontology-based multi-agent systems development
QNN Tran, G Low - Information and Software Technology, 2008 - Elsevier
Ontologies offer significant benefits to multi-agent systems: interoperability, reusability,
support for multi-agent system (MAS) development activities (such as system analysis and …
support for multi-agent system (MAS) development activities (such as system analysis and …