Adaptation of urban drainage networks to climate change: A review
IM Kourtis, VA Tsihrintzis - Science of the Total Environment, 2021 - Elsevier
The present work reviews the main challenges regarding adaptation of urban drainage
networks to climate change by comparing 32 case studies from 29 articles, published …
networks to climate change by comparing 32 case studies from 29 articles, published …
[HTML][HTML] Millets for food security in the context of climate change: A review
A growing population means an ever-increasing demand for food. This global concern has
led to antagonism over resources such as water and soil. Climate change can directly …
led to antagonism over resources such as water and soil. Climate change can directly …
[HTML][HTML] Future trends of reference evapotranspiration in Sicily based on CORDEX data and Machine Learning algorithms
In years of increasing impact of climate change effects, a reliable characterization of the
spatiotemporal evolutionary dynamics of evapotranspiration can enable a significant …
spatiotemporal evolutionary dynamics of evapotranspiration can enable a significant …
Potential implications of climate change and urbanization on watershed hydrology
This paper proposes a modeling framework able to analyze the alterations in watershed
hydrology induced by two recurrent drivers for hydrological changes: climate change and …
hydrology induced by two recurrent drivers for hydrological changes: climate change and …
Climate change effects on the hydrological regime of small non-perennial river basins
Recent years have been witnessing an increasing interest on global climate change and,
although we are only at the first stage of the projected trends, some signals of climate …
although we are only at the first stage of the projected trends, some signals of climate …
Effect of raster resolution and polygon-conversion algorithm on landslide susceptibility map**
The choice of the proper resolution in landslide susceptibility map** is a worth
considering issue. If, on the one hand, a coarse spatial resolution may describe the terrain …
considering issue. If, on the one hand, a coarse spatial resolution may describe the terrain …
Assessing climate change impact on water balance components of a river basin using SWAT model
Climate change is one of the most important global environmental challenges, which affects
the entire earth system in terms of negative impacts on food production, water supply, health …
the entire earth system in terms of negative impacts on food production, water supply, health …
Low Impact Development practices in the context of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A new concept, lessons learned and challenges
M Batalini de Macedo… - Critical Reviews in …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The increase in urbanization and climate change brings new challenges to the cities'
sustainability and resilience, mainly related to flood and drought events. Among these …
sustainability and resilience, mainly related to flood and drought events. Among these …
The role of urban growth, climate change, and their interplay in altering runoff extremes
Abstract Changes in climate and urban growth are the most influential factors affecting
hydrological characteristics in urban and extra‐urban contexts. The assessment of the …
hydrological characteristics in urban and extra‐urban contexts. The assessment of the …
A paradigm of extreme rainfall pluvial floods in complex urban areas: The flood event of 15 July 2020 in Palermo (Italy)
In the last years, some regions of the Mediterranean area are witnessing a progressive
increase in extreme events, such as urban and flash floods, as a response to the …
increase in extreme events, such as urban and flash floods, as a response to the …