[HTML][HTML] Advancements in intelligent cloud computing for power optimization and battery management in hybrid renewable energy systems: A comprehensive review
A cloud computing-based power optimization system (CC-POS) is an important enabler for
hybrid renewable-based power systems with higher output, optimal solutions to extend …
hybrid renewable-based power systems with higher output, optimal solutions to extend …
A parallel membrane inspired harmony search for optimization problems: A case study based on a flexible job shop scheduling problem
Harmony search is an emerging meta-heuristic optimization algorithm that is inspired by
musical improvisation processes, and it can solve various optimization problems. Membrane …
musical improvisation processes, and it can solve various optimization problems. Membrane …
Parallel and distributed computing models on a graphics processing unit to accelerate simulation of membrane systems
Membrane systems are parallel distributed computing models that are used in a wide variety
of areas. Use of a sequential machine to simulate membrane systems loses the advantage …
of areas. Use of a sequential machine to simulate membrane systems loses the advantage …
Multi-objective binary PSO with kernel P system on GPU
Computational cost is a big challenge for almost all intelligent algorithms which are run on
CPU. In this regard, our proposed kernel P system multi-objective binary particle swarm …
CPU. In this regard, our proposed kernel P system multi-objective binary particle swarm …
Accelerated simulation of membrane computing to solve the n-queens problem on multi-core
Membrane computing or P Systems are distributed and parallel computing device that
inspired their computation from cell biology. In this study, a new model of membrane …
inspired their computation from cell biology. In this study, a new model of membrane …
Enhancing the Simulation of Membrane System on the GPU for the N‐Queens Problem
Previous approaches using active membrane systems to solve the N-queens problem
defined many membranes with just one rule inside them. This resulted in many …
defined many membranes with just one rule inside them. This resulted in many …
Enhancement of membrane computing model implementation on GPU by introducing matrix representation for balancing occupancy and reducing inter-block …
In previous studies, objects of each membrane were assigned to threads of one thread block
of the graphic processing unit (GPU). The number of active threads was low if the number of …
of the graphic processing unit (GPU). The number of active threads was low if the number of …
Emerging biology-based CI algorithms
B **ng, WJ Gao, B **ng, WJ Gao - … intelligence: a rough guide to 134 …, 2014 - Springer
In this chapter, a group of (more specifically 56 in total) emerging biology-based
computational intelligence (CI) algorithms are introduced. We first, in Sect. 17.1, describe the …
computational intelligence (CI) algorithms are introduced. We first, in Sect. 17.1, describe the …
Using graphics processing unit to accelerate simulation of membrane computing
This study presents models which can be used to describe active membrane systems using
a matrix approach. Indisputably, matrix operations are very efficient over a graphic …
a matrix approach. Indisputably, matrix operations are very efficient over a graphic …
Membrane computing to enhance time efficiency of minimum dominating set
Graph theory is widely used in numerous fields, such as, engineering, physics, social and
biological sciences; linguistics etc. The minimum dominating set (MDS) problem is one of …
biological sciences; linguistics etc. The minimum dominating set (MDS) problem is one of …