The science of early moral development: On defining, constructing, and studying morality from birth
A Dahl - Advances in child development and behavior, 2019 - Elsevier
The first 4 years of moral development are perhaps the most transformative. Helpless
neonates become infants who routinely help and harm others; infants develop into …
neonates become infants who routinely help and harm others; infants develop into …
From interest to obligation: The gradual development of human altruism
Altruism is a central feature of human morality. Recent research sheds light on the
development of altruism in early childhood. In this article, we propose a theoretical …
development of altruism in early childhood. In this article, we propose a theoretical …
Being versus appearing socially uninterested: Challenging assumptions about social motivation in autism
Progress in psychological science can be limited by a number of factors, not least of which
are the starting assumptions of scientists themselves. We believe that some influential …
are the starting assumptions of scientists themselves. We believe that some influential …
Rationalization is rational
F Cushman - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2020 - cambridge.org
Rationalization occurs when a person has performed an action and then concocts the
beliefs and desires that would have made it rational. Then, people often adjust their own …
beliefs and desires that would have made it rational. Then, people often adjust their own …
Moral reasoning enables developmental and societal change
Moral reasoning is an essential part of how humans develop and a fundamental aspect of
how human societies change over time. On a developmental timescale, reasoning about …
how human societies change over time. On a developmental timescale, reasoning about …
Why do students cheat? Perceptions, evaluations, and motivations
Academic cheating, a common and consequential form of dishonesty, has puzzled moral
psychologists and educators for decades. The present research examined a new theoretical …
psychologists and educators for decades. The present research examined a new theoretical …
What we do when we define morality (and why we need to do it)
A Dahl - Psychological Inquiry, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Psychological research on morality relies on definitions of morality. Yet the various
definitions often go unstated. When unstated definitions diverge, theoretical disagreements …
definitions often go unstated. When unstated definitions diverge, theoretical disagreements …
Students' perceptions and evaluations of plagiarism: Effects of text and context
As they navigate academic life, students must decide whether the acts of copying they
encounter constitute plagiarism, and whether those acts are wrong. The present study …
encounter constitute plagiarism, and whether those acts are wrong. The present study …
Young children's judgments and reasoning about prosocial acts: Impermissible, suberogatory, obligatory, or supererogatory?
In deciding when to help, individuals reason about whether prosocial acts are
impermissible, suberogatory, obligatory, or supererogatory. This research examined …
impermissible, suberogatory, obligatory, or supererogatory. This research examined …
Student and teacher views on cheating in high school: Perceptions, evaluations, and decisions
Why do so many adolescents cheat despite judging that cheating is wrong? Two studies
tested a new model of cheating in high school. In Study 1, 85 high schoolers in the Western …
tested a new model of cheating in high school. In Study 1, 85 high schoolers in the Western …