[HTML][HTML] An improved marine predators algorithm-tuned fractional-order PID controller for automatic voltage regulator system
One of the most popular controllers for the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) in maintaining
the voltage level of a synchronous generator is the fractional-order proportional–integral …
the voltage level of a synchronous generator is the fractional-order proportional–integral …
[HTML][HTML] ANT-colony optimization-direct torque control for a doubly fed induction motor: An experimental validation
Abstract Direct Torque Control (DTC) presents an optimal solution to control the behaviors of
the alternative motors, compared to other controls, because of several advantages offered …
the alternative motors, compared to other controls, because of several advantages offered …
Robust variable-order fractional PID-LP fuzzy controller for Automatic Voltage Regulator systems
Abstract Precise and robust Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) control is essential for
maintaining a stable voltage output from a synchronous generator under varying operating …
maintaining a stable voltage output from a synchronous generator under varying operating …
[HTML][HTML] Comparative study between cost functions of genetic algorithm used in direct torque control of a doubly fed induction motor
The proportional integral derivative (PID) regulator is the most often utilized controller in the
industry due to its benefits. It permits linear systems to operate well, but it causes non-linear …
industry due to its benefits. It permits linear systems to operate well, but it causes non-linear …
[HTML][HTML] A new robust direct torque control based on a genetic algorithm for a doubly-fed induction motor: experimental validation
The parametric variation of nonlinear systems remains a significant drawback of automatic
system controllers. The Proportional–Integral (PI) and Proportional–Integral–Derivative (PID) …
system controllers. The Proportional–Integral (PI) and Proportional–Integral–Derivative (PID) …
Direct Torque Control-Based Backstep** Speed Controller of Doubly Fed Induction Motors in Electric Vehicles; Experimental Validation
Electric vehicles (EVs) are unquestionably the future of transportation due to their numerous
advantages, such as their ability to address environmental issues, decrease dependence on …
advantages, such as their ability to address environmental issues, decrease dependence on …
Optimizing PID controller parameters for robust automatic voltage regulator system through indirect design approach-2
Automatic voltage regulators (AVR) are designed to manipulate a synchronous generator's
voltage level automatically. Proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers are typically …
voltage level automatically. Proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers are typically …
Performance improvement of DTC for doubly fed induction motor by using artificial neuron network
Due to its numerous advantages, Direct Torque Control (DTC) method is the most
extensively adopted technique in the industrial system. However, the ripple torque reduces …
extensively adopted technique in the industrial system. However, the ripple torque reduces …
Optimized PID controller by ant colony optimization of DTC for doubly fed induction motor
This article describes a novel approach for controlling the behavior of a Doubly Fed
Induction Motor (DFIM) utilizing Direct Torque Control (DTC). The speed is controlled by a …
Induction Motor (DFIM) utilizing Direct Torque Control (DTC). The speed is controlled by a …
Achieving Robust and Optimal Speed Control of DC Motor through Sliding Mode Control Tuned by Genetic and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms
This paper presents a robust Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) for the speed control of the
Direct Current (DC) motor, addressing the limitations of traditional controllers under …
Direct Current (DC) motor, addressing the limitations of traditional controllers under …