Ordovician and Silurian sea–water chemistry, sea level, and climate: a synopsis

A Munnecke, M Calner, DAT Harper… - Palaeogeography …, 2010 - Elsevier
Following the Cambrian Explosion and the appearance in the fossil record of most animal
phyla associated with a range of new body plans, the Ordovician and Silurian periods …

The Palaeozoic geography of Laurentia and western Laurussia: a stable craton with mobile margins

LRM Cocks, TH Torsvik - Earth-Science Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
The large Palaeozoic continent of Laurentia was largely in North America, but included parts
of modern Europe. It was independent from late Neoproterozoic times at about 570Ma until it …

[KNJIGA][B] Multivariate analysis in community ecology

HG Gauch - 1982 - books.google.com
Ecologists are making increasing use of computer methods in analyzing ecological data on
plant and animal communities. Ecological problems naturally involve numerous variables …

Description and analysis of bioturbation and ichnofabric

AM Taylor, R Goldring - Journal of the Geological Society, 1993 - lyellcollection.org
A new scheme for the description and analysis of bioturbation and the resultant ichnofabrics
is proposed. This system can be used in core and field-based studies and consists of two …

Species diversity gradients: we know more and less than we thought

ML Rosenzweig - Journal of mammalogy, 1992 - academic.oup.com
Patterns in the diversity of species begin to make sense when we reduce them to well-
known biological processes and take care to specify the scale of the pattern. Doing this …

Palaeontological evidence bearing on global Ordovician–Silurian continental reconstructions

RA Fortey, LRM Cocks - Earth-Science Reviews, 2003 - Elsevier
The discreteness or otherwise of major Ordovician and Silurian terranes can be recognised
by the shallow-water benthic faunas which lived upon them. Their borders are often …

Functional morphology and evolution of byssally attached bivalve mollusks

SM Stanley - Journal of Paleontology, 1972 - JSTOR
Although most adult-byssate bivalve taxa of the Recent live epifaunally (are epibyssate), a
few live partly or entirely buried in soft sediment (are endobyssate). Recent endobyssate …

[KNJIGA][B] Stratigraphic paleobiology: understanding the distribution of fossil taxa in time and space

ME Patzkowsky, SM Holland - 2019 - degruyter.com
Whether the fossil record should be read at face value or whether it presents a distorted view
of the history of life is an argument seemingly as old as many fossils themselves. In the late …

Ecospace utilization and guilds in marine communities through the Phanerozoic

RK Bambach - Biotic interactions in recent and fossil benthic …, 1983 - Springer
Does the ecological theater influence the staging of the evolutionary play? What roles do
biotic interactions have in influencing evolutionary patterns? This chapter presents a system …

Phanerozoic development of tiering in soft substrata suspension-feeding communities

DJ Bottjer, WI Ausich - Paleobiology, 1986 - cambridge.org
Tiering is the vertical distribution of organisms within the benthic boundary layer. Primary
tierers are suspension-feeding organisms with a body or burrow that intersects the seafloor …