From quantum matter to high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides
The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in the copper oxides in 1986 triggered
a huge amount of innovative scientific inquiry. In the almost three decades since, much has …
a huge amount of innovative scientific inquiry. In the almost three decades since, much has …
The do** dependence of T*–what is the real high-Tc phase diagram?
JL Tallon, JW Loram - Physica C: Superconductivity, 2001 - Elsevier
Underdoped high-Tc superconductors are frequently characterised by a temperature, T*,
below which the normal-state pseudogap opens. Two different “phase diagrams” based on …
below which the normal-state pseudogap opens. Two different “phase diagrams” based on …
A survey of the Van Hove scenario for high-Tc superconductivity with special emphasis on pseudogaps and striped phases
RS Markiewicz - Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1997 - Elsevier
The Van Hove singularity (VHS) provides a paradigm for the study of the role of peaks in the
density of states (dos) on electronic properties. More importantly, it appears to play a major …
density of states (dos) on electronic properties. More importantly, it appears to play a major …
Materials chemistry and thermodynamics of REBa2Cu3O7−x
JL Macmanus‐Driscoll - Advanced Materials, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
This review focuses on the materials chemistry and thermodynamics of the REBa2Cu3O7− x
(RE= rare earth) series of superconductors. The importance of this basic information for …
(RE= rare earth) series of superconductors. The importance of this basic information for …
Thermoelectric Power: A Simple, Instructive Probe of High- Superconductors
The thermoelectric power S (T) is studied for Y Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7− δ and Y Ba 2 Cu 4 O 8 as a
function of Zn substitution and hole concentration p. A strong enhancement in S (T) is …
function of Zn substitution and hole concentration p. A strong enhancement in S (T) is …
Identification of a characteristic do** for charge order phenomena in Bi-2212 cuprates via RIXS
Identifying quantum critical points (QCPs) and their associated fluctuations may hold the key
to unraveling the unusual electronic phenomena observed in cuprate superconductors …
to unraveling the unusual electronic phenomena observed in cuprate superconductors …
Do** phase diagram of from transport measurements: Tracking the pseudogap below
SH Naqib, JR Cooper, JL Tallon, C Bernhard, JL Tallon, T Blasius, A Golnik… - Physical Review Letters, 2001 - APS
The do** dependence of the ratio of the superconducting condensate density to the
effective mass, nso/m ab*, was studied in detail by muon-spin rotation for Y 0.8 Ca 0.2 Ba 2 …
effective mass, nso/m ab*, was studied in detail by muon-spin rotation for Y 0.8 Ca 0.2 Ba 2 …
Locating the pseudogap closing point in cuprate superconductors: Absence of entrant or reentrant behavior
Many current descriptions of the pseudogap in underdoped cuprates envision a do**-
dependent transition line T*(p) which descends monotonically toward zero just beyond …
dependent transition line T*(p) which descends monotonically toward zero just beyond …
Absence of an Isotope Effect in the Pseudogap in as Determined by High-Resolution NMR
Susceptibility and high-resolution 89 Y NMR measurements on 16 O-and 18 O-exchanged
YBa 2 Cu 4 O 8 superconductors show an isotope effect in T c but not in the normal-state …
YBa 2 Cu 4 O 8 superconductors show an isotope effect in T c but not in the normal-state …