Reintroduction of freshwater macroinvertebrates: challenges and opportunities
Species reintroductions–the translocation of individuals to areas in which a species has
been extirpated with the aim of re‐establishing a self‐sustaining population–have become a …
been extirpated with the aim of re‐establishing a self‐sustaining population–have become a …
Salinity tolerance and geographical origin predict global alien amphipod invasions
Invasive alien species are driving global biodiversity loss, compromising ecosystem function
and service provision, and human, animal and plant health. Habitat characteristics and …
and service provision, and human, animal and plant health. Habitat characteristics and …
IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment: Chapter 2. Trends and status of alien and invasive alien species
IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment: Chapter 2. Trends and status of alien and invasive
alien species Page 1 University of Rhode Island DigitalCommons@URI Natural Resources …
alien species Page 1 University of Rhode Island DigitalCommons@URI Natural Resources …
Taxonomic changes and non-native species: An overview of constraints and new challenges for macroinvertebrate-based indices calculation in river ecosystems
Freshwater ecosystems face many threats in the form of reduced water quantity, poor water
quality and the loss of biodiversity. As a result, aquatic biomonitoring tools are required to …
quality and the loss of biodiversity. As a result, aquatic biomonitoring tools are required to …
Influence of river regulation and instream habitat on invertebrate assemblage'structure and function
Dams modify geomorphology, water quantity, quality and timing of stream flows affecting
ecosystem functioning and aquatic biota. In this study, we addressed the structural and …
ecosystem functioning and aquatic biota. In this study, we addressed the structural and …
Land cover affects the breakdown of Pinus elliottii needles litter by microorganisms in soil and stream systems of subtropical riparian zones
Highlights•The difference between leaf breakdown of aquatic and terrestrial compartments
was 4% in Silviculture, 3% in Forest and 2% in Grasslands land uses.•Low pine palatability …
was 4% in Silviculture, 3% in Forest and 2% in Grasslands land uses.•Low pine palatability …
Biological invasion modifies the co‐occurrence patterns of insects along a stress gradient
Biological invasions have become one of the most important drivers of biodiversity loss and
ecosystem change world‐wide. However, it is still unclear how invasions may interact with …
ecosystem change world‐wide. However, it is still unclear how invasions may interact with …
Genomic data support multiple introductions and explosive demographic expansions in a highly invasive aquatic insect
The study of the genetic makeup and demographic fate of alien species is essential to
understand their capacity to recover from founder effects, adapt to new environmental …
understand their capacity to recover from founder effects, adapt to new environmental …
[PDF][PDF] How do low-abundance taxa affect river biomonitoring? Exploring the response of different macroinvertebrate-based indices
The contribution of rare taxa to aquatic bioassessments remains a subject of debate, and
generates contrasting positions among researchers. Very little is known about the effect of …
generates contrasting positions among researchers. Very little is known about the effect of …
Longitudinal distribution of macroinvertebrate in a very wet North African basin: Oued Melloulou (Morocco)
Melloulou River, which is located in Middle Atlas of Morocco, is a good example of a very
wet and poorly known basin, and therefore of special conservation concern. The aim of this …
wet and poorly known basin, and therefore of special conservation concern. The aim of this …