Engineered quantum dot single-photon sources
Fast, high efficiency and low error single-photon sources are required for the implementation
of a number of quantum information processing applications. The fastest triggered single …
of a number of quantum information processing applications. The fastest triggered single …
4H-silicon-carbide-on-insulator for integrated quantum and nonlinear photonics
Optical quantum information processing will require highly efficient photonic circuits to
connect quantum nodes on-chip and across long distances. This entails the efficient …
connect quantum nodes on-chip and across long distances. This entails the efficient …
Coherent optical wavelength conversion via cavity optomechanics
Both classical and quantum systems utilize the interaction of light and matter across a wide
range of energies. These systems are often not naturally compatible with one another and …
range of energies. These systems are often not naturally compatible with one another and …
Visible-to-telecom quantum frequency conversion of light from a single quantum emitter
We demonstrate efficient (<? format?>><? format?> 30%) quantum frequency conversion of
visible single photons (711 nm) emitted by a quantum dot to a telecom wavelength (1313 …
visible single photons (711 nm) emitted by a quantum dot to a telecom wavelength (1313 …
Bayesian optimization of Fisher Information in nonlinear multiresonant quantum photonics gyroscopes
We propose an on-chip gyroscope based on nonlinear multiresonant optics in a thin film χ
(2) resonator that combines high sensitivity, compact form factor, and low power …
(2) resonator that combines high sensitivity, compact form factor, and low power …
Quantum optical waveform conversion
Proposals for long-distance quantum communication rely on the entanglement of matter-
based quantum nodes through optical communications channels, but the entangling light …
based quantum nodes through optical communications channels, but the entangling light …
Efficient frequency downconversion at the single photon level from the red spectral range to the telecommunications C-band
We report on single photon frequency downconversion from the red part of the spectrum
(738nm) to the telecommunications C-band. By mixing attenuated laser pulses with an …
(738nm) to the telecommunications C-band. By mixing attenuated laser pulses with an …
Multiply resonant photonic crystal nanocavities for nonlinear frequency conversion
We describe a photonic crystal nanocavity with multiple spatially overlap** resonances
that can serve as a platform for nonlinear frequency conversion. We show nonlinear …
that can serve as a platform for nonlinear frequency conversion. We show nonlinear …
Cavity-enhanced measurements of defect spins in silicon carbide
The identification of new solid-state defect-qubit candidates in widely used semiconductors
has the potential to enable the use of nanofabricated devices for enhanced qubit …
has the potential to enable the use of nanofabricated devices for enhanced qubit …
Controllable single-photon frequency converter via a one-dimensional waveguide
We propose a single-photon frequency converter via a one-dimensional waveguide coupled
to a three-level V-type atom. An on-demand classical driving field is used to couple to the …
to a three-level V-type atom. An on-demand classical driving field is used to couple to the …